raven-formats 1.8

Creator: railscoder56

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ravenformats 1.8

Raven Formats

Tools to work with formats used by Raven Software in MUA/XML2 games.
XMLB Compile/Decompile
usage: xmlb.py [-h] [-d] [--no_indent] input output

positional arguments:
input input file (supports glob)
output output file (wildcards will be replaced by input file name)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --decompile decompile input XMLB file to XML/JSON file
--no_indent disable indent in decompiled XML/JSON file

ZSND Compile/Decompile
usage: zsnd.py [-h] [-d] input output

positional arguments:
input input file (supports glob)
output output file (wildcards will be replaced by input file name)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --decompile decompile input ZSND file to JSON file

FB Compile/Decompile
usage: fb.py [-h] [-d] [-r] input output

positional arguments:
input input file (supports glob)
output output file (wildcards will be replaced by input file name)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --decompile decompile input FB file to JSON file
-r, --rebuild compile to FB file, including all files that exist in the corresponding directory


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