raypier 0.2.3

Creator: railscoderz

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raypier 0.2.3

Raypier is a non-sequential ray-tracing framework for modelling optical systems. Its main features are:

It’s pretty fast. The tracing algorithms are written in Cython (i.e. C) and use efficient data-structures for handling many thousands of rays.
Correctly handles polarisation
Support for dispersion including a comprehensive library of glass-types (taken from refractive-index.info)
and diffraction-gratings
Point Spread Function (PSF) and E-Field evaluation by summation of of Gaussian modes.
Paraxial Gaussian mode evaluation covers generally astigmatic modes.
Tracing support for conics section and general aspherics (conic + polnomial)
An interactive user-interface with 3D model/ray rendering through VTK. Tracing is performed “live”.
A modest selection of optic-types including singlet and achromatic doublet lenses (with AR coating), plane-mirrors,
ellipsoidal mirrors, prisms
STEP model/trace export for integration with external CAD systems

There are still a few “big” features missing:

The documentation is not comprehensive (yet).

Raypier requires:

python-3.6 (older versions work on 2.7)
traits / traitsui
Mayavi (for TVTK) / VTK
(Optionally) PythonOCC - for STEP export
(Optionally) Chaco / Enable - for integrating line-plots into the UI

The best way to install and run Raypier is using a Conda environment.

Install miniconda (or the full Anaconda distribution)
Create a fresh conda-environment using the environment.yml file included
in this raypier repo.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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