rbcommenttype 2.0

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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rbcommenttype 2.0

This is an extension to Review Board that adds a new field when writing
comments, allowing users to choose a category (such as security, performance,
bug fixes, etc.) for a comment. This can help teams prioritize the type of
feedback they give and address.

The comment categorization extension requires Review Board 3.0 or newer.

To install this extension, run:
sudo pip install -U rbcommenttype
If you’re on Python 2.7 and previously installed using
easy_install, run:
sudo easy_install -U rbcommenttype
Once done, log in to Review Board’s administration interface. Navigate to
Extensions, select Comment Categorization, and click Enable.
If you don’t see this extension, reload/rescan your list of extensions.

The available categories are set in the extension’s administration interface.
From the extension list in the Review Board administration UI, click
Configure to get to the extension configuration.
If you want users to have to specify a comment type for every comment that they
file, select Require comment type. If this is not selected, users can leave
the field blank when making new comments.
Below this is a table of the available type names. New types can be added by
clicking Add type.
Types can be removed by clicking the X to the right of the name, or hidden
by un-checking the “Visible” check-box.
Once changes have been made, click Save to update the configuration.

When creating a new comment, the comment dialog will contain a new Type
drop-down with the configured type names.
The comment type saved with each comment can be seen next to the comment text,
and is also available in the API (in the extra_data.commentType key in the
various comment resources).

Are you a developer? Do you want to help improve this extension? Great! Let’s
help you get started.
First off, read through our contributor guide.
We accept patches to Review Board-related projects on
https://reviews.reviewboard.org. (Please note that we do not accept pull
requests on GitHub.)
Got any questions about anything related to RBTools and development? Head
on over to our development discussion list.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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