rcsbsearchapi 1.6.0

Creator: railscoderz

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rcsbsearchapi 1.6.0

Python interface for the RCSB PDB Search API.
This package requires Python 3.7 or later.
Get it from PyPI:
pip install rcsbsearchapi

Or, download from GitHub
Here is a quick example of how the package is used. Two syntaxes are available for
constructing queries: an "operator" API using python's comparators, and a "fluent"
syntax where terms are chained together. Which to use is a matter of preference.
Below, you will find examples of Full text and attribute search and sequence search.
A runnable jupyter notebook with this example is available in notebooks/quickstart.ipynb, or can be run online using binder:

An additional example including a Covid-19 related example is in notebooks/covid.ipynb:

Operator Example
Here is an example from the RCSB PDB Search
API page, using the operator syntax. This
query finds symmetric dimers having a twofold rotation with the DNA-binding domain of
a heat-shock transcription factor. Full text and attribute search is used.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery
from rcsbsearchapi import rcsb_attributes as attrs

# Create terminals for each query
q1 = TextQuery('"heat-shock transcription factor"')
q2 = attrs.rcsb_struct_symmetry.symbol == "C2"
q3 = attrs.rcsb_struct_symmetry.kind == "Global Symmetry"
q4 = attrs.rcsb_entry_info.polymer_entity_count_DNA >= 1

# combined using bitwise operators (&, |, ~, etc)
query = q1 & (q2 & q3 & q4)

# Call the query to execute it
for assemblyid in query("assembly"):

For a full list of attributes, please refer to the RCSB PDB
Fluent Example
Here is the same example using the
fluent syntax.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery, AttributeQuery, Attr

# Start with a Attr or TextQuery, then add terms
results = TextQuery("heat-shock transcription factor").and_(
# Add attribute node as fully-formed AttributeQuery
AttributeQuery(attribute="rcsb_struct_symmetry.symbol", operator="exact_match", value="C2") \
# Add attribute node as Attr with chained operations
.and_(Attr("rcsb_struct_symmetry.kind")).exact_match("Global Symmetry") \
# Add attribute node by name (converted to Attr) with chained operations

# Exec produces an iterator of IDs
for assemblyid in results:

Structural Attribute Search and Chemical Attribute Search Combination
Grouping of a Structural Attribute query and Chemical Attribute query is permitted as long as grouping is done correctly and search services are specified accordingly. Note the example below. More details on attributes that are available for text searches can be found on the RCSB PDB Search API page.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import AttributeQuery

# By default, service is set to "text" for structural attribute search
q1 = AttributeQuery("exptl.method", "exact_match", "electron microscopy",
STRUCTURE_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE # this constant specifies "text" service

# Need to specify chemical attribute search service - "text_chem"
q2 = AttributeQuery("drugbank_info.brand_names", "contains_phrase", "tylenol",
CHEMICAL_ATTRIBUTE_SEARCH_SERVICE # this constant specifies "text_chem" service

query = q1 & q2 # combining queries


Computed Structure Models
The RCSB PDB Search API page provides information on how to include Computed Structure Models (CSMs) into a search query. Here is a code example below. This query returns IDs for experimental and computed structure models associated with "hemoglobin". Queries for only computed models or only experimental models can also be made (default).
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery

q1 = TextQuery("hemoglobin")

# add parameter as a list with either "computational" or "experimental" or both as list values
q2 = q1(return_content_type=["computational", "experimental"])


Return Types and Attribute Search
A search query can return different result types when a return type is specified.
Below are examples on specifying return types Polymer Entities,
Non-polymer Entities, Polymer Instances, and Molecular Definitions, using a Structure Attribute query.
More information on return types can be found in the
RCSB PDB Search API page.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import AttributeQuery

q1 = AttributeQuery("rcsb_entry_container_identifiers.entry_id", "in", ["4HHB"]) # query for 4HHB deoxyhemoglobin

# Polymer entities
for poly in q1("polymer_entity"): # include return type as a string parameter for query object

# Non-polymer entities
for nonPoly in q1("non_polymer_entity"):

# Polymer instances
for polyInst in q1("polymer_instance"):

# Molecular definitions
for mol in q1("mol_definition"):

Counting Results
If only the number of results is desired, the count function can be used. This query returns the number of experimental models associated with "hemoglobin".
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery

q1 = TextQuery("hemoglobin")

# N.B., Just as shown above for `query()`, `return_type` and `return_content_type` can also be specified as parameters to `count()`

Obtaining Scores for Results
Results can be returned alongside additional metadata, including result scores. To return this metadata, set the results_verbosity parameter to "verbose" (all metadata), "minimal" (scores only), or "compact" (default, no metadata). If set to "verbose" or "minimal", results will be returned as a list of dictionaries. For example, here we get all experimental models associated with "hemoglobin", along with their scores.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TextQuery

q1 = TextQuery("hemoglobin")
for idscore in list(q1(results_verbosity="minimal")):

Protein Sequence Search Example
Below is an example from the RCSB PDB Search API page,
using the sequence search function.
This query finds macromolecular PDB entities that share 90% sequence identity with
GTPase HRas protein from Gallus gallus (Chicken).
from rcsbsearchapi.search import SequenceQuery

# Use SequenceQuery class and add parameters

# results("polymer_entity") produces an iterator of IDs with return type - polymer entities
for polyid in results("polymer_entity"):

Sequence Motif Search Example
Below is an example from the RCSB PDB Search API page,
using the sequence motif search function.
This query retrives occurences of the His2/Cys2 Zinc Finger DNA-binding domain as
represented by its PROSITE signature.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import SeqMotifQuery

# Use SeqMotifQuery class and add parameters
results = SeqMotifQuery("C-x(2,4)-C-x(3)-[LIVMFYWC]-x(8)-H-x(3,5)-H.",

# results("polymer_entity") produces an iterator of IDs with return type - polymer entities
for polyid in results("polymer_entity"):

You can also use a regular expression (RegEx) to make a sequence motif search.
As an example, here is a query for the zinc finger motif that binds Zn in a DNA-binding domain:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import SeqMotifQuery

results = SeqMotifQuery("C.{2,4}C.{12}H.{3,5}H", pattern_type="regex", sequence_type="protein")

for polyid in results("polymer_entity"):

You can use a standard amino acid sequence to make a sequence motif search.
X can be used to allow any amino acid in that position.
As an example, here is a query for SH3 domains:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import SeqMotifQuery

# By default, the pattern_type argument is "simple" and the sequence_type argument is "protein".
results = SeqMotifQuery("XPPXP") # X is used as a "variable residue" and can be any amino acid.

for polyid in results("polymer_entity"):

All 3 of these pattern types can be used to search for DNA and RNA sequences as well.
Demonstrated are 2 queries, one DNA and one RNA, using the simple pattern type:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import SeqMotifQuery

# DNA query: this is a query for a T-Box.
dna = SeqMotifQuery("TCACACCT", sequence_type="dna")

print("DNA results:")
for polyid in dna("polymer_entity"):

# RNA query: 6C RNA motif
rna = SeqMotifQuery("CCCCCC", sequence_type="rna")
print("RNA results:")
for polyid in rna("polymer_entity"):

Structure Similarity Query Example
The PDB archive can be queried using the 3D shape of a protein structure. To perform this query, 3D protein structure data must be provided as an input or parameter, A chain ID or assembly ID must be specified, whether the input structure data should be compared to Assemblies or Polymer Entity Instance (Chains) is required, and defining the search type as either strict or relaxed is required. More information on how Structure Similarity Queries work can be found on the RCSB PDB Structure Similarity Search page.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import StructSimilarityQuery

# Basic query: querying using entry ID and default values assembly ID "1", operator "strict", and target search space "Assemblies"
q1 = StructSimilarityQuery(entry_id="4HHB")

# Same example but with parameters explicitly specified
q1 = StructSimilarityQuery(structure_search_type="entry_id",
for id in q1("assembly"):

Below is a more complex example that utilizes chain ID, relaxed search operator, and polymer entity instance or target search space. Specifying whether the input structure
type is chain id or assembly id is very important. For example, specifying chain ID as the input structure type but inputting an assembly ID can lead to
an error.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import StructSimilarityQuery

# More complex query with entry ID value "4HHB", chain ID "B", operator "relaxed", and target search space "Chains"
q2 = StructSimilarityQuery(structure_search_type="entry_id",

Structure similarity queries also allow users to upload a file from their local computer or input a file url from the website to query the PDB archive for similar proteins. The file represents a target protein structure in the file formats "cif", "bcif", "pdb", "cif.gz", or "pdb.gz". If a user wants to use a file url for queries, the user must specify the structure search type, the value (being the url), and the file format of the file. This is also the same case for file upload, except the value is the absolute path leading to the file that is in the local machine. An example for file url is below for 4HHB (hemoglobin).
from rcsbsearchapi.search import StructSimilarityQuery

q3 = StructSimilarityQuery(structure_search_type="file_url",

# If you want to upload your own structure file for similarity search, you can do so by using the `file_path` parameter:
q4 = StructSimilarityQuery(structure_search_type="file_upload",
file_path="/PATH/TO/FILE.cif", # specify local model file path

Structure Motif Query Examples
The PDB Archive can also be queried by using a "motif" found in these 3D structures. To perform this type of query, an entry_id or a file URL/path must be provided, along with residues (which are parts of 3D structures.) This is the bare minimum needed to make a search, but there are lots of other parameters that can be added to a Structure Motif Query (see full search schema).
To make a Structure Motif Query, you must first define anywhere from 2-10 "residues" that will be used in the query. Each individual residue has a Chain ID, Operator, Residue Number, and Exchanges (optional) that can be declared in that order using positonal arguments, or using the "chain_id", "struct_oper_id", and "label_seq_id" to define what parameter you are passing through. All 3 of the required parameters must be included, or the package will throw an AssertionError.
Each residue can only have a maximum of 4 Exchanges, and each query can only have 16 exchanges total. Violating any of these rules will cause the package to throw an AssertionError.
Examples of how to instantiate Residues can be found below. These can then be put into a list and passed through to a Structure Motif Query.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import StructureMotifResidue

# construct a Residue with a Chain ID of A, an operator of 1, a residue
# number of 192, and Exchanges of "LYS" and "HIS"
Res1 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 192, ["LYS", "HIS"])
# as for what is a valid "Exchange", the package provides these as a literal,
# and they should be type checked.

# you can also specify the arguments:
# this query is the same as above.
Res2 = StructureMotifResidue(struct_oper_id="1", chain_id="A", exchanges=["LYS", "HIS"], label_seq_id=192)

# after delcaring a minimum of 2 and as many as 10 residues, they can be passed into a list for use in the query itself:
Res3 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 162) # exchanges are optional

ResList = [Res1, Res3]

From there, these Residues can be used in a query. As stated before, you can only include 2 - 10 residues in a query. If you fail to provide residues for a query, or provide the wrong amount, the package will throw a ValueError.
For a Structure Motif Query using an entry_id, the only other necessary value that must be passed into the query is the residue list. The default type of query is an entry_id query.
As this type of query has a lot of optional parameters, do not use positional arguments as more than likely an error will occur.
Below is an example of a basic entry_id Structure Motif Query, with the residues declared earlier:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import StructMotifQuery

q1 = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", residue_ids=ResList)

Like with Structure Similarity Queries, a file url or filepath can also be provided to the program. These can take the place of an entry_id.
For a file url query, you must provide both a valid file URL (a string), and the file's file extension (also as a string). Failure to provide these elements correctly will cause the package to throw an AssertionError.
Below is an example of the same query as above, only this time providing a file url:
link = "https://files.rcsb.org/view/2MNR.cif"
q2 = StructMotifQuery(structure_search_type="file_url", url=link, file_extension="cif", residue_ids=ResList)
# structure_search_type MUST be provided. A mismatched query type will cause an error.

Like with Structure Similarity Queries, a filepath to a file may also be provided. This file must be a valid file accepted by the search API. A file extension must also be provided with the file upload.
The query would look something like this:
filepath = "/absolute/path/to/file.cif"
q3 = StructMotifQuery(structure_search_type="file_upload", file_path=filepath, file_extension="cif", residue_ids=ResList)


There are many additional parameters that Structure Motif Query supports. These include a variety of features such as backbone distance tolerance, side chain distance tolerance, angle tolerance, RMSD cutoff, limits (stop searching after this many hits), atom pairing schemes, motif pruning strategy, allowed structures, and excluded structures. These can be mixed and matched as needed to make accurate and useful queries. All of these have some default value which is used when a parameter isn't provided. These parameters conform to the defaults used by the Search API.
Below will demonstrate how to define these parameters using non-positional arguments:
# specifying backbone distance tolerance: 0-3, default is 1
# allowed backbone distance tolerance in Angstrom.
backbone = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", backbone_distance_tolerance=2, residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying sidechain distance tolerance: 0-3, default is 1
# allowed side-chain distance tolerance in Angstrom.
sidechain = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", side_chain_distance_tolerance=2, residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying angle tolerance: 0-3, default is 1
# allowed angle tolerance in multiples of 20 degrees.
angle = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", angle_tolerance=2, residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying RMSD cutoff: >=0, default is 2
# Threshold above which hits will be filtered by RMSD
rmsd = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", rmsd_cutoff=1, residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying limit: >=0, default excluded
# Stop accepting results after this many hits.
limit = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", limit=100, residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying atom pairing scheme, default = "SIDE_CHAIN"
# this is typechecked by a literal.
# Which atoms to consider to compute RMSD scores and transformations.
atom = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", atom_pairing_scheme="ALL", residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying motif pruning strategy, default = "KRUSKAL"
# this is typechecked by a literal in the package.
# Specifies how many query motifs are "pruned". KRUSKAL leads to less stringent queries, and faster results.
pruning = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", motif_pruning_strategy="NONE", residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying allowed structures, default excluded
# specify the structures you wish to allow in the return result. As an example,
# we could only allow the results from the limited query we ran earlier.
allowed = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", allowed_structures=list(limit()), residue_ids=ResList)

# specifying structures to exclude, default excluded
# specify structures to exclude from a query. We could, for example,
# exclude the results of the previous allowed query.
excluded = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", excluded_structures=list(allowed()), residue_ids=ResList)

The Structure Motif Query can be used to make some very specific queries. Below is an example of a query that retrives occurances of the enolase superfamily, a group of proteins diverse in sequence and structure that are all capable of abstracting a proton from a carboxylic acid. Position-specific exchanges are crucial to represent this superfamily accurately.
Res1 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 162, ["LYS", "HIS"])
Res2 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 193)
Res3 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 219)
Res4 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 245, ["GLU", "ASP", "ASN"])
Res5 = StructureMotifResidue("A", "1", 295, ["HIS", "LYS"])

ResList = [Res1, Res2, Res3, Res4, Res5]

query = StructMotifQuery(entry_id="2MNR", residue_ids=ResList)


Chemical Similarity Query
When you have unique chemical information (e.g., a chemical formula or descriptor) you can use this information to find chemical components (e.g., drugs, inhibitors, modified residues, or building blocks such as amino acids, nucleotides, or sugars), so that it is similar to the formula or descriptor used in the query (perhaps one or two atoms/groups are different), is part of a larger molecule (i.e., the specified formula/descriptor is a substructure), or is exactly or very closely matches the formula or descriptor used in the query.
The search can also be used to identify PDB structures that include the chemical component(s) which match or are similar to the query. These structures can then be examined to learn about the interactions of the component within the structure. More information on Chemical Similarity Queries can be found on the RCSB PDB Chemical Similarity Search page.
To do a Chemical Similarity query, you must first specify one of two possible query options which are formula and descriptors. Formula allows queries to be made by providing a chemical formula. Descriptors allow you to search by chemical notations for example. Each Query option has its own distinct set of parameters, but both options require a value.
The formula query option comes with a match subset parameter which allows users to search chemical components whose formula exactly match the query or matches any portion of the query. The descriptor query option comes with a descriptor type parameter and match type parameter. The descriptor type parameter specifies what type of descriptor the input value is. There are two options which are SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification) and InChI (International Chemical Identifier). The match type parameter has six options which are Similar Ligands (Quick Screen), Similar Ligands (Stereospecific), Similar Ligands (including Stereoisomers), Substructure (Stereospecific), Substructure (including Stereoisomers), and Exact match.
When doing Chemical Similarity Queries in this tool, it is important to note that by default the query option is set to formula and match subset is set to False. An example of how that looks like is below.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import ChemSimilarityQuery

# Basic query with default values: query type = formula and match subset = False
q1 = ChemSimilarityQuery(value="C12 H17 N4 O S")

# Same example but with all the parameters listed
q1 = ChemSimilarityQuery(value="C12 H17 N4 O S",

Below is are two examples of using query option descriptor. Both descriptor type parameters are also used.
from rcsbsearchapi.search import ChemSimilarityQuery

# Query with type = descriptor, descriptor type = SMILES, match type = similar ligands (sterospecific) or graph-relaxed-stereo
q2 = ChemSimilarityQuery(value="Cc1c(sc[n+]1Cc2cnc(nc2N)C)CCO",

from rcsbsearchapi.search import ChemSimilarityQuery

# Query with type = descriptor, descriptor type = InChI, match type = substructure (sterospecific) or sub-struct-graph-relaxed-stereo
q3 = ChemSimilarityQuery(value="InChI=1S/C13H10N2O4/c16-10-6-5-9(11(17)14-10)15-12(18)7-3-1-2-4-8(7)13(15)19/h1-4,9H,5-6H2,(H,14,16,17)/t9-/m0/s1",

Faceted Query Examples
In order to group and perform calculations and statistics on PDB data by using a simple search query, you can use a faceted query (or facets). Facets arrange search results into categories (buckets) based on the requested field values. More information on Faceted Queries can be found here. All facets should be provided with name, aggregation_type, and attribute values. Depending on the aggregation type, other parameters must also be specified. The facets() function runs the query q using the specified facet(s), and returns a list of dictionaries:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import AttributeQuery, Facet, Range

q = AttributeQuery("rcsb_accession_info.initial_release_date", operator="greater", value="2019-08-20")
q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Methods", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="exptl.method"))

Term Facets
Terms faceting is a multi-bucket aggregation where buckets are dynamically built - one per unique value. We can specify the minimum count (>= 0) for a bucket to be returned using the parameter min_interval_population (default value 1). We can also control the number of buckets returned (<= 65336) using the parameter max_num_intervals (default value 65336).
# This is the default query, used by the RCSB Search API when no query is explicitly specified.
# This default query will be used for most of the examples found below for faceted queries.
base_q = AttributeQuery("rcsb_entry_info.structure_determination_methodology", operator="exact_match", value="experimental")

base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Journals", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="rcsb_primary_citation.rcsb_journal_abbrev", min_interval_population=1000))

Histogram Facets
Histogram facets build fixed-sized buckets (intervals) over numeric values. The size of the intervals must be specified in the parameter interval. We can also specify min_interval_population if desired.
base_q.facets(return_type="polymer_entity", facets=Facet(name="Formula Weight", aggregation_type="histogram", attribute="rcsb_polymer_entity.formula_weight", interval=50, min_interval_population=1))

Date Histogram Facets
Similar to histogram facets, date histogram facetes build buckets over date values. For date histogram aggregations, we must specify interval="year". Again, we may also specify min_interval_population.
base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Release Date", aggregation_type="date_histogram", attribute="rcsb_accession_info.initial_release_date", interval="year", min_interval_population=1))

Range Facets
We can define the buckets ourselves by using range facets. In order to specify the ranges, we use the Range class. Note that the range includes the start value and excludes the end value (include_lower and include_upper should not be specified). If the start or end is omitted, the minimum or maximum boundaries will be used by default. The buckets should be provided as a list of Range objects to the ranges parameter.
base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Resolution Combined", aggregation_type="range", attribute="rcsb_entry_info.resolution_combined", ranges=[Range(start=None,end=2), Range(start=2, end=2.2), Range(start=2.2, end=2.4), Range(start=4.6, end=None)]))

Date Range Facets
Date range facets allow us to specify date values as bucket ranges, using date math expressions.
base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Release Date", aggregation_type="date_range", attribute="rcsb_accession_info.initial_release_date", ranges=[Range(start=None,end="2020-06-01||-12M"), Range(start="2020-06-01", end="2020-06-01||+12M"), Range(start="2020-06-01||+12M", end=None)]))

Cardinality Facets
Cardinality facets return a single value: the count of distinct values returned for a given field. A precision_threshold (<= 40000, default value 40000) may be specified.
base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Organism Names Count", aggregation_type="cardinality", attribute="rcsb_entity_source_organism.ncbi_scientific_name"))

Multidimensional Facets
Complex, multi-dimensional aggregations are possible by specifying additional facets in the nested_facets parameter, as in the example below:
f1 = Facet(name="Polymer Entity Types", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="rcsb_entry_info.selected_polymer_entity_types")
f2 = Facet(name="Release Date", aggregation_type="date_histogram", attribute="rcsb_accession_info.initial_release_date", interval="year")
base_q.facets(facets=Facet(name="Experimental Method", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="rcsb_entry_info.experimental_method", nested_facets=[f1, f2]))

Filter Facets
Filters allow us to filter documents that contribute to bucket count. Similar to queries, we can group several TerminalFilters into a single GroupFilter. We can combine a filter with a facet using the FilterFacet class. Terminal filters should specify an attribute and operator, as well as possible a value and whether or not it should be a negation and/or case_sensitive. Group filters should specify a logical_operator (which should be either "and" or "or") and a list of filters (nodes) that should be combined. Finally, the FilterFacet should be provided with a filter and a (list of) facet(s). Here are some examples:
from rcsbsearchapi.search import TerminalFilter, GroupFilter, FilterFacet
tf1 = TerminalFilter(attribute="rcsb_polymer_instance_annotation.type", operator="exact_match", value="CATH")
tf2 = TerminalFilter(attribute="rcsb_polymer_instance_annotation.annotation_lineage.id", operator="in", value=["", ""])
ff2 = FilterFacet(filters=tf2, facets=Facet("CATH Domains", "terms", "rcsb_polymer_instance_annotation.annotation_lineage.id", min_interval_population=1))
ff1 = FilterFacet(filters=tf1, facets=ff2)
base_q.facets("polymer_instance", ff1)

tf1 = TerminalFilter(attribute="rcsb_struct_symmetry.kind", operator="exact_match", value="Global Symmetry", negation=False)
f2 = Facet(name="ec_terms", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="rcsb_polymer_entity.rcsb_ec_lineage.id")
f1 = Facet(name="sym_symbol_terms", aggregation_type="terms", attribute="rcsb_struct_symmetry.symbol", nested_facets=f2)
ff = FilterFacet(filters=tf1, facets=f1)
q1 = AttributeQuery("rcsb_assembly_info.polymer_entity_count", operator="equals", value=1)
q2 = AttributeQuery("rcsb_assembly_info.polymer_entity_instance_count", operator="greater", value=1)
q = q1 & q2
q.facets("assembly", ff)

tf1 = TerminalFilter(attribute="rcsb_polymer_entity_group_membership.aggregation_method", operator="exact_match", value="sequence_identity")
tf2 = TerminalFilter(attribute="rcsb_polymer_entity_group_membership.similarity_cutoff", operator="equals", value=100)
gf = GroupFilter(logical_operator="and", nodes=[tf1, tf2])
ff = FilterFacet(filters=gf, facets=Facet("Distinct Protein Sequence Count", "cardinality", "rcsb_polymer_entity_group_membership.group_id"))
base_q.facets("polymer_entity", ff)

Supported Features
The following table lists the status of current and planned features.

Structure and chemical attribute search

Attribute Comparison operations
Query set operations
Attribute contains, in_ (fluent only)

Option to include computed structure models (CSMs) in search
Sequence search
Sequence motif search
Structure similarity search
Structure motif search
Chemical similarity search
Rich results using the Data API

Contributions are welcome for unchecked items!
Detailed documentation is at rcsbsearchapi.readthedocs.io
Code is licensed under the BSD 3-clause license. See LICENSE for details.
Citing rcsbsearchapi
Please cite the rcsbsearchapi package by URL:


You should also cite the RCSB PDB service this package utilizes:

Yana Rose, Jose M. Duarte, Robert Lowe, Joan Segura, Chunxiao Bi, Charmi
Bhikadiya, Li Chen, Alexander S. Rose, Sebastian Bittrich, Stephen K. Burley,
John D. Westbrook. RCSB Protein Data Bank: Architectural Advances Towards
Integrated Searching and Efficient Access to Macromolecular Structure Data
from the PDB Archive, Journal of Molecular Biology, 2020.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jmb.2020.11.003

The source code for this project was originally written by Spencer Bliven and forked from sbliven/rcsbsearch. We would like to express our tremendous gratitude for his generous efforts in designing such a comprehensive public utility Python package for interacting with the RCSB PDB search API.
For information about building and developing rcsbsearchapi, see


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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