rdeer-service 2.0.2

Creator: railscoderz

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rdeerservice 2.0.2

rdeer-service is a tool to facilitate the use of Reindeer as a socket mode. It allows multiple Reindeer indexes to be loaded into memory, spread over several servers, enabling queries to be made quickly and easily.
It consists of a server part: rdeer-server, one instance of which will be started per index server, and a client part: rdeer, which allows index manipulation (stopping, starting, etc.) and queries.
It is a companion to Transipedia, a web application for querying Reindeer but it may be useful to use it independently.

Reindeer must be installed on indexes servers an the reindeer_socket binary in your $PATH
You need some Reindeer indexes (Stored on SSD disks to better performances).

Recommanded (pip)
python3 -m pip install rdeer-service

Other (git)
git clone https://github.com/Bio2M/rdeer-service.git

How to use?
Start the server
the server must be in the same physical server than Reindeer, You can have multiple servers with Reindeer. Each of them must have the server.
rdeer-server /path/to/indexes

rdeer-server listen on port 12800, you can change this with --port option.
The server will only be able to handle indexes in the specified directory. If your indexes are spread over several directories, you may create symlinks in /path/to/indexes.
You can add, remove or change the name of the indexes, rdeer-server takes the changes on the fly.
It is recommended to start rdeer-server as a daemon, using systemd, supervisord or similar.

Use the client
The client could requests remote rdeer-server servers. You can enterely manage yours Reindeer indexes with subcommand:

rdeer list -a to show all indexes with their status
rdeer start <index-name> to start a index (the index name is the directory hosting the index files)
rdeer stop <index-name> to stop a index
rdeer check <index-name> to verify if index responding
rdeer status <index-name> to get the index status (available, loading, running, error)
rdeer query <index-name> -q <query.fa> to request an index

show running indexes:
rdeer-client list

Show all indexes handled by rdeer-server
rdeer-client list -a

list all accessible indexes by rdeer-server, with status. Status are :

available the index is not running
loading the index is in a transitional mode until the running mode
running the index is started, and can be resquested.
error a error occured on the index.

Start an index:
rdeer-client start my-index

Will starts the my-index Reindeer index. When status is running, the index is ready to respond to requests.
Query an index
rdeer-client query my-index -q fasta-query

Requests the specified index, the query file is required and must be in a fasta format.
Options of query subcommand (rdeer-client query --help):

-q/--query to send a query file at the fasta format (required)
-f/--format {raw,sum,average,mean,normalize} where

raw to get results
sum to get sum of kmer counts
average to get sum of kmer counts / number of kmers
normalize to get normalized counts as billion of kmers

-s/--server to request rdeer-server on remote host
-p/--port to request rdeer-server on a specified port (default: 12800)
-o/--outfile output is stdout by default, you can specified a file


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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