read-ad 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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readad 1.0.0

COM-based readonly access for Active Directory in Python 3,
forked from Tim Golden's v0.6.7
Module description
Installation: pip install read-ad
Module name: read_ad
Dependencies: Python 3.x and the pywin32 module (
Goals: minimum dependencies, maximum speed, easy usage.
In contrast to the original, this module provides read access only.
For full-featured Active Directory access, please refer to the latest
version of the original, hosted at
Module contents
Constants / Global Variables
Constants for ADO/COM access







'Active Directory Provider'

Internal cache keywords

'_Connection_' as the key for caching the connection object.


'_ActiveDirectoryRoot_' as the key for caching the Active Directory root URL.


A global cache of LdapEntry objects mapped to LDAP Urls,
plus the connection object and the Active Directory root URL.


A FlagsMapping() with Active Directory group type bitmasks
(values are taken from


A FlagsMapping() with Active Directory authentication type bitmasks
(values are taken from


A UnsignedIntegerMapping() with Active Directory account type magic numbers
(values are taken from


A FlagsMapping() with Active Directory user account state bitmasks
(values are taken from


A dict of SearchFilter instances mapped to the following keywords:

'computer' for searching computers by cn
'group' for searching groups by cn
'ou' for searching organizational units by ou
'public_folder' for searching public folders by displayName
'userid' for searching users by sAMAccountName

A Mapping of unsigned integers to names with reverse lookup functionality.
Member access using a name returns the associated number and vice versa.

Explicitly returns the name associated with the given number.

An UnsignedIntegerMapping subclass for bitmasks mapped to flag names

Returns a set of all flag names for the bitmasks matching the given number.

Wrapper around an ADO recordset as documented at
.query(query_string, **kwargs)

Classmethod that executes an Active Directory query over a cached connection
(provided by the connection() helper function, see source code)
and returns an iterator over RecordSet instances for each found result.

The query may be parameterized using keyword arguments.
Underscores in the keywords will be replaced by spaces.

The following parameters are preset for the query but may be overridden:



Returns an iterator over the recordset fields as (name, value) tuples

PathComponent(keyword, value)
Instances of this class represent a single component of an LDAP path, eg 'cn=Users'.
They are initialized with a keyword and a value, in this example: 'cn' and 'Users'.

The keyword


The value


Constructor (class)method, returns a PathComponent instance built from keyword and value determined by splitting string at a non-escaped equals sign (=).

Instances of this class represent an LDAP path.
They are initialized using the provided parts, which can be either strings or PathComponent instances.

The components of the path (a tuple of PathComponent instances)


The relative distinguished name of the LPAP path (the .value of the first component)


The LDAP URL of the path (the distinguished name prefixed with 'LDAP://')


Constructor (class)method, returns an LdapPath instance built from the provided string splitted at all non-escaped commas (,).

SearchFilter(primary_key_name, **fixed_parameters)
Instances of this class hold a primary key name and a mapping of fixed parameters for an LDAP search.
.execute_query(ldap_url, *args, **kwargs)

Return an interator from the result of an LDAP query
(using the RecordSet.query() class method)
starting at ldap_url and using SQL syntax with the
WHERE clause genarated by the .where_clause() method.

.where_clause(*args, **kwargs)

Return a WHERE clause for an SQL-like LDAP query string,
built from the provided positional and keyword arguments,
all concatenated using AND.
The stored fixed parameters override the provided keyword arguments.
If a _primary_key_ keyword was provided, its value is
built into the clause using the stored primary key name.

Stores a subset of an LDAP entry's attributes.
The stored attributes can be accessed via item access using [attribute_name]
or (in the case of suitable attribute names) via attribute access using .attribute_name
Note: LDAP entry attribute names are case insensitive.
All LdapPath and subclasses instances should be instantiated
by using the produce_entry() function below.

A frozenset of the names of all attributes having the value None.


The LDAP URL of the entry.


Returns an LdapEntry subclass instance for a relative child of this instance.
Its path is determined by prepending the single_path_component to this instance's path.


Returns an items dictview of the internal mapping of stored attributes.
Please note that empty attributes are not contained here; only their names
are stored in the .empty_attributes frozenset.


Prints a case-sensitive (i.e. uppercase before lowercase) alphabetically sorted dump
of all non-empty attributes.

LdapEntry subclass for Active Directory users
Interesting attributes include:

sAMAccountName - the user ID
givenName - the first name
sn - the last name
title - eg a PhD
manager - the user's direct boss (distinguished name)
memberOf - all groups the user is a direct member of (a tuple of distinguished names)
userAccountControl - originally a number, but resolved to a set of flag names from USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL


True if the account is disabled, False if it is active.

LdapEntry subclass for Active Directory groups
Interesting attributes include:

member - all direct members (users and groups, a tuple of distinguished names)
memberOf - all groups this group is a direct member of (a tuple of distinguished names)


Returns an iterator over tuples, each consisting of: 1. the current Group instance,
2. a list of member Group instances and 3. a list of member User instances.

Public interface functions
produce_entry(ldap_path, lazy=True)

LdapEntry and subclasses factory function.

Determines the suitable class out of LdapEntry, User or Group from the
COM object found at the LDAP URL.
Generates an instance of this class from the COM object,
stores it in GLOBAL_CACHE (associated to the LDAP path URL),
and returns the Instance.

ldap_path may be a string containing either a distinguished name or an LDAP URL
(which is basically a distinguished name prefixed with 'LDAP://'),
or an LdapPath instance.

if lazy is set to True (the default), this function returns
the suitable cached entry if it exists, avoiding expensive lookups
and network traffic.


Returns the (cached) LdapEntry instance referring to the
root of the logged-on Active Directory tree.

search(*args, active=None, search_base=None, search_filter=None, **kwargs)

Returns an iterator over all found LDAP paths
from an LDAP search starting at the LDAP URL specified as search_base.
If search_base is not given, the LDAP search starts at the LDAP URL of root().

If active is set to True or False explicitly, the method returns only
the paths of active (or deactivated) matching entries.

If search_filter is set to a SearchFilter instance,
this method uses that instance to search the Active Directory.
Else, if a keyword matching any of the SEARCH_FILTERS keys
was provided, that search filter is used with this keyword's value
specified as the _primary_key_ keyword's value.
In all other cases, an empty search filter
will be instantiated and used.

If positional arguments (*args) were provided and any of them
does not contain a valid condition for the query's WHERE clause,
the RecordSet.query() method execting the query will return a ValueError
and display the faulty query string.

search_users(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an iterator over all found LDAP paths like the search() function above,
but uses the user search filter (SEARCH_FILTER['userid']) unconditionally.

In contrary to plain search(), the first
positional argument - if any are provided - is treated differently from the rest:
It is matched against each one of sAMAccountName, displayName and cn
by building suitable conditions joined by 'OR'.
The remaining positional arguments are treated normally.

get_first_entry(*args, **kwargs)

Returns an LdapEntry or subclass instance made from the first found LDAP entry
from an LDAP search using search(), or None if nothing was found.

get_first_user(*args, **kwargs)

Returns a User instance made from the first found LDAP entry
from an LDAP search using search_users(), or None if nothing was found.

import read_ad

# read_ad.root() returns the cached Active Directory root entry

# find your own user in active directory
import getpass
my_user = read_ad.get_first_user(getpass.getuser())


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