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realchat 1.2
One to one chat
message encrypted before entering database
Less hassle
realchat is a Django app to conduct web-based chat.
Detailed documentation is in the "docs" directory.
Quick start
Add to your settings.py
To use the chat app, add it to your INSTALLED_APPS
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'app.User' # it can be whatever user model you create
The auth user model will communicate with the chat app and provide the user's name, email and auth status.
LOGIN_URL = '/login/' # it can be whatever login url you create
The login url provide url redirect from the chat view classes if the user is not logged in.
Include the chat URLconf in your project urls.py like this
path('chat/', include('chat.urls')),
The chat app views return the following context variables:
"inbox": # returns a dictionary of users you have chats with,
# and the latest message between you both
# also including the time and unread message count
usage (django html)
# use a for loop
{% for key, item in inbox.items %}
{{ key }} # to get the user you're chatting with
{{ item.message }} # to get the latest message between you two
{{ item.date }} # the date the lastest message was sent
{{ item.count }} # to get the unread messages count
# to give access the inbox of the user, make each item template
# of the loop clickable and the url should be:
{% url 'chat:inbox' key %}
{% endfor %}
# the url for messagelistview is:
{% chat:message_list %}
"messages": # returns all messages between you and the other user
"other_person": # returns the user object of the person you're
# chatting with
"inbox": # does the same as in the message list view,
# it is passed to make sidepanel work like whatsapp web
"you": # # your user object is passed also
usage (django html)
# use a for loop
{{ other_person.username }} # will get the username to display
{% for message in messages%}
# you can seperate user message and other user messages by
# comparing the message sender and recipient objects
# i.e
{% if message.sender == other_person %}
{{ message.message }}
{{ message.date }}
{% else %}
# this will return messages that are not sent from the other_person
{{ message.message }}
{{ message.date }}
{% endif %}
# finally, when sending messages to a user, create the following
# input tags in your from
# hidden
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="{{ other_person.pk }}">
<input type="hidden" name="you" value="{{ you.pk }}">
# get the message
<input type=text name="message" placeholder="...">
# the action of the form should be:
{% url 'chat:inbox' other_person.username %}
{% endfor %}
# to use the inbox context,
# extend the messaelist template
# usser list view has one context
"users": # returns all users excluding the user logged in
# use a for loop and style your template however
4.Run python manage.py migrate to create the chat models.
5.Visit to participate in the to see a messages.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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