receiptparser 1.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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receiptparser 1.1


A receipt and bill parser written in Python.
Can be used as a Python module or CLI tool.
It was originally based on receipt-parser,
but has effectively been completely rewritten/replaced.
So far, only German receipts are supported, but other countries can
be added using a simple YAML configuration file.
Recognition rate
To develop this tool, I used a set of 182 receipts in varying quality. Some of the were
crumpled, most had been folded, etc. The result on this set of receipts is:
Total: 182
Company found: 171
Postal code found: 158
Date found: 159
Amount found: 114

If your receipts are sharp, uncrumpled, and have good contrast, I would expect a
97%-99% success rate, except for the total amount, which is harder to identify
correctly. That may be closer to 75%.
Where applicable, I chose automation and quality over performance. For example,
receiptparser scans every image twice, once unsharpened, and once sharpened,
which raises the recognition rate around 6% but doubles the scan time.

Python 3

Install via PIP
pip3 install receiptparser

Install via Git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install .

Python usage
from receiptparser.config import read_config
from receiptparser.parser import process_receipt

config = read_config('my_config.yml')
receipt = process_receipt(config, "my_receipt.jpg", out_dir=None, verbosity=0)

print("Filename: ", receipt.filename)
print("Company: ",
print("Postal code:", receipt.postal)
print("Date: ",
print("Amount: ", receipt.sum)

CLI Usage
A simple example to read all images (.jpg) from a directory and print the recognized data
to stdout:
receiptparser tests/data/germany/img/

You can customize the output as follows:
receiptparser -v0 --format "{date:%Y-%m-%d} - {company} - {postal} - {sum}.jpg" tests/data/germany/img/

In this case, -v0 suppresses any output, except for what you specify in the --format FORMAT
parameter. FORMAT is a Python format string as specified here.
The following values can be used in the format string:

company: The recognized name of the company
postal: The recognized postal code of the company
date: The recognized date of the bill or receipt
sum: The dollar (or Euro, or other currency) amount of the bill or receipt

usage: receiptparser [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [-t TESSERACT] [-f FORMAT] [-v {0,1,2}] input

positional arguments:
input file or directory from which images will be read

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
built-in config to use
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
like -c, but point to a file instead
output directory for OCR recognized text (default is to discard)
-f FORMAT, --format FORMAT
format of the recognized output. default is pretty-printing
-v {0,1,2}, --verbosity {0,1,2}
increase output verbosity


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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