rectangle-packer 2.0.2

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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rectanglepacker 2.0.2

Pack a set of rectangles into a bounding box with minimum area

Welcome to rectangle-packer

Primary use: Given a set of rectangles with fixed orientations,
find a bounding box of minimum area that contains them all with no
This project is inspired by Matt Perdeck’s blog post Fast Optimizing
Rectangle Packing Algorithm for Building CSS Sprites.

The latest documentation is available on Read the Docs.
The source code is available on GitHub.

Install latest version from PyPI:
$ python3 -m pip install rectangle-packer
Or clone the repository and install with:
$ python3 install

Basic usage
# Import the module
>>> import rpack

# Create a bunch of rectangles (width, height)
>>> sizes = [(58, 206), (231, 176), (35, 113), (46, 109)]

# Pack
>>> positions = rpack.pack(sizes)

# The result will be a list of (x, y) positions:
>>> positions
[(0, 0), (58, 0), (289, 0), (289, 113)]
The output positions are the lower left corner coordinates of each
rectangle in the input.
These positions will yield a packing with no overlaps and enclosing
area as small as possible (best effort).


You must use positive integers as rectangle width and height.
The module name is rpack which is an abbreviation of the package
name at PyPI (rectangle-packer).
The computational time required by rpack.pack() increases by
the number and size of input rectangles. If this becomes a problem,
you might need to implement your own divide-and-conquer algorithm.

Example A:

Example B:

Example C: Sometimes the input rectangles simply cannot be packed in
a good way. Here is an example of low packing density:

Example D: The image below is contributed by Paul Brodersen, and
illustrates a solution to a problem discussed at stackoverflow.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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