redditeasy 4.0.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

Last updated:

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redditeasy 4.0.0

RedditEasy is a rapidly-fast API wrapper for getting posts using the Reddit JSON API with both sync and async options
To install RedditEasy, do:
pip install redditeasy
python -m pip install redditeasy
OR (not recommended)
pip install git+
Docs can be found here
Async RedditEasy
Yes, there is an async version of RedditEasy. To use it, you need to use the Async classes. Which are AsyncSubreddit and AsyncUser
Here is a small example on using AsyncSubreddit:
You can and should use this in a bot. The normal classes could cause a blocking in an async program.
This will not work outside an async function whatsoever.
Without Reddit API client info
This method is not suggested as it may be slow and throw errors more often
import redditeasy
import datetime

# To get your Reddit API client info go to
# and create an app

# For more detailed explanation, see this image:

post = redditeasy.Subreddit()

postoutput = post.get_post(subreddit="dankmemes") # Subreddit name

# Formatted version of created_at
formatted_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(postoutput.created_at).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S UTC")

print(f"Posts Title: {postoutput.title}\n"
f"Posts Content: {postoutput.content}\n"
f"Posts Author: u/{}\n"
f"Posts URL: {postoutput.post_url}\n"
f"Spoiler?: {postoutput.spoiler}\n"
f"Post Created At: {formatted_time}\n"
f"Posts Upvote Count: {postoutput.score}\n"
f"Posts Award Count: {postoutput.total_awards}\n"
f"NSFW?: {postoutput.nsfw}\n"
f"Post Flair: {postoutput.post_flair}\n"
f"User Flair: {postoutput.author_flair}\n"
f"Subreddit Subscribers: {postoutput.subreddit_subscribers}\n"
f"Comment count: {postoutput.comment_count}\n"
f"Is Media?: {postoutput.is_media}\n"
f"Subreddit Name: r/{postoutput.subreddit_name}\n"
f"Content Type: {postoutput.content_type}")

With Reddit API client info
import redditeasy
import datetime

# To get your Reddit API client info go to
# and create an app

# For more detailed explanation, see this image:

post = redditeasy.Subreddit(client_id="", # Your client ID
client_secret="", # Your client secret
user_agent="" # Your user agent (ex: ClientName/0.1 by YourUsername")

postoutput = post.get_post(subreddit="dankmemes") # Subreddit name

# Formatted version of created_at
formatted_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(postoutput.created_at).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S UTC")

print(f"Posts Title: {postoutput.title}\n"
f"Posts Content: {postoutput.content}\n"
f"Posts Author: u/{}\n"
f"Posts URL: {postoutput.post_url}\n"
f"Spoiler?: {postoutput.spoiler}\n"
f"Post Created At: {formatted_time}\n"
f"Posts Upvote Count: {postoutput.score}\n"
f"Posts Award Count: {postoutput.total_awards}\n"
f"NSFW?: {postoutput.nsfw}\n"
f"Post Flair: {postoutput.post_flair}\n"
f"User Flair: {postoutput.author_flair}\n"
f"Subreddit Subscribers: {postoutput.subreddit_subscribers}\n"
f"Comment count: {postoutput.comment_count}\n"
f"Is Media?: {postoutput.is_media}\n"
f"Subreddit Name: r/{postoutput.subreddit_name}\n"
f"Content Type: {postoutput.content_type}")

More examples are in the examples folder
Getting Reddit API client info
To get your Reddit API client info go to
and create a script.

(You don't have to fill "redirect_uri")
Changelog can be found here
Operating Systems
All of RedditEasy's versions were tested in Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and MacOS
The module will raise redditeasy.exceptions.RequestError if there was an error with the request. Traceback will show the details about the error
The module will raise redditeasy.exceptions.EmptyResult if the given user / subreddit is empty
If you have any issues with RedditEasy, please report them via the issue tracker


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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