redis-extending-lock 1.0.4

Creator: railscoderz

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redisextendinglock 1.0.4

Lock that prolongs itself from time to time and cancels current task if used
as async context manager.

import asyncio
import logging

from redis.asyncio import Redis
from redis_extending_lock import ExtendingLock

async def main():
redis = Redis.from_url('redis://:hackme@localhost:6379/0')
lock = ExtendingLock(
redis, 'example',
# optional, if not specified explicitly
# would be half of timeout

async with lock:
# your long-running task,
# would be cancelled if lock would be not able to extend
# for some reason
await asyncio.Future()

Lock can be also used without context manager:
import asyncio
import logging

from redis.asyncio import Redis
from redis_extending_lock import ExtendingLock

async def main():
redis = Redis.from_url('redis://:hackme@localhost:6379/0')
lock = ExtendingLock(
redis, 'example', timeout=2, blocking_timeout=0,
await lock.acquire()
await asyncio.sleep(5)
await lock.release()


How to develop

make devenv - configure the development environment
poetry shell or source .venv/bin/activate - activate virtualenv
make lint - syntax & code style check
make codestyle - reformat code
make test - test this project
make build - build this project

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PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes
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In this case, the package version is assigned automatically with poem-plugins,
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