Redis-Sentinel-Url 1.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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RedisSentinelUrl 1.0.1

Redis-Sentinel-Url provides parser and connection factory for redis:// and redis+sentinel:// URLs (the latter
being defined by this package).

Supports Python 2.7 and 3.3+
Licensed using Apache License 2.0

Install with pip:
pip install Redis-Sentinel-Url

URL scheme for connecting via Sentinel
This package defines redis+sentinel:// scheme for connecting to Redis via Sentinel:

You can specify multiple sentinel host:port pairs separated by comma.
If service_name is provided, it is used to create a default client
service_name and db can also be specified as URL parameters (URL parameters take precedence)
Client options (keyword arguments to redis.StrictRedis) are specified as URL parameters
Options for connecting to Sentinel (keyword arguments to redis.sentinel.Sentinel) are specified
with sentinel_ prefix
There is special client_type option to specify whether the default client should be master (the default) or
slave service when connecting via Sentinel

Basic usage
Supports schemes supported by redis.StrictRedis.from_url and also redis+sentinel:// scheme described above:
import redis_sentinel_url

sentinel, client = redis_sentinel_url.connect('redis://localhost/0')
# None, StrictRedis(...)

sentinel, client = redis_sentinel_url.connect('rediss://localhost/0')
# None, StrictRedis(...)

sentinel, client = redis_sentinel_url.connect('unix://[:password]@/path/to/socket.sock?db=0')
# None, StrictRedis(...)

sentinel, client = redis_sentinel_url.connect('redis+sentinel://localhost:26379,otherhost:26479/mymaster/0')
# Sentinel(...), StrictRedis(...)


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