ref-man-py 0.7.1

Creator: railscoderz

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refmanpy 0.7.1

* ref-man-py Python Module for ~ref-man~ (See Network requests and xml parsing can be annoying in emacs, so ref-man uses a separate python process for efficient (and sometimes parallel) fetching of network requests.* Features** Persistent Service with Flask - Can easily integrate with other applications - Parallel fetching of large number of entries from supported websites (DBLP, ArXiv etc.)** HTTP integration with Semantic Scholar API ( - Fetch with multiple IDs like arxiv, ACL etc. - Local files based cache to avoid redundant requests - +Fetches all metadata in one go (Will change soon as Semantic Scholar is updating its API)+ - Now uses the Semantic Scholar Graph API** Experimental (and undocumented) Semantic Scholar Search API - Mostly gleaned through analyzing network requests. Helpful for searching articles.** HTTP integration with DBLP and ArXiv - Supports multiple parallel requests for batch updates** Fetch PDF from a given URL - Easier to fetch using python than with Emacs's callbacks** Option for proxying requests - Particularly useful for PDFs if you're tunneling to your institution from home or some other location and the article you want is with institutional (IP based) access only.* Roadmap** More Tests - Coverage is low. - Need to remove some code which isn't used. - Some parts need to be rewritten.** Change to new Semantic Scholar API (*Done*) Semantic Scholar is changing its API. See we should migrate to new ~graph/v1/paper~ API.** Integrate It has support for progress tracking. Helpful when network is slow and when downloading large files.** ASGI server With websockets for better Async integration.** Integrate more services There're semi-working/broken functions for CrossRef and some other services in ~ref-man~. They can be exported to python perhaps.* Wishlist** Serve Org files on the fly as html Will help in integrating a larger userbase. Perhaps also with a py-to-lisp (hy like maybe) interface so that elementary scripting on the org backend can be done.** Ultimately integrate ~pndconf~ also A document preparation toolchain (See, which is integrated with ~ref-man~.* License All the code in this repo except for external services and libraries are licensed under AGPL 3.0 (or later). See in this repo. To learn more about AGPL see


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