refind 1.0.7

Creator: railscoder56

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refind 1.0.7

A find clone in Python with both CLI and library interfaces
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Known Differences with find

The Python module re is internally used for all regular expressions. The inputted regular
expression is modified only when sed is selected as the regextype (default) in order to
reverse meaning of escaped characters +?|{}()
Parenthesis around expressions are not supported
printf action differences

Birth time (B) is just treated the same as creation time (C)
%b, %k, %S, and %Y are not supported
Some formatting specifier inconsistencies may be encountered

Not all options, tests, and actions are available (see help)
pyprint actions are provided which uses Python string formatting

Feel free to open a bug report or make a merge request on github.
This project is uploaded to PyPI at
To install, ensure you are connected to the internet and execute: python3 -m pip install refind --upgrade
Once installed, there will be a script called refind under Python's script directory. Ensure Python's
scripts directory is under the environment variable PATH in order to be able to execute the script
properly from command line.
CLI Help
Partially implements find command entirely in Python.

Usage: refind [path...] [expression...]

default path is the current directory (.); default action is -print

-not EXPR Inverts the resulting value of the expression
EXPR -and EXPR Logically AND the left and right expressions' result
EXPR -or EXPR Logically OR the left and right expressions' result

normal options
-help Shows help and exit
-maxdepth LEVELS Sets the maximum directory depth of find (default: inf)
-mindepth LEVELS Sets the minimum directory depth of find (default: 0)
-regextype TYPE Set the regex type to py, sed, egrep (default: sed)
--version Shows version number and exits

-name PATTERN Tests against the name of item using fnmatch
-regex PATTERN Tests against the path to the item using re
-type [dfl] Tests against item type directory, file, or link
-wholename PATTERN Tests against the path to the item using fnmatch
-amin [+-]N Last accessed N, greater than +N, or less than -N minutes ago
-anewer FILE Last accessed time is more recent than given file
-atime [+-]N Last accessed N, greater than +N, or less than -N days ago
-cmin [+-]N Change N, greater than +N, or less than -N minutes ago
-cnewer FILE Change time is more recent than given file
-ctime [+-]N Change N, greater than +N, or less than -N days ago
-empty File is 0 bytes or directory empty
-executable Matches items which are executable by current user
-false Always false
-gid GID Matches with group ID
-group GNAME Matches with group name or ID
-mmin [+-]N Modified N, greater than +N, or less than -N minutes ago
-newer FILE Modified time is more recent than given file
-mtime [+-]N Modified N, greater than +N, or less than -N days ago
-newerXY REF Matches REF X < item Y where X and Y can be:
a: Accessed time of item or REF
c: Change time of item or REF
m: Modified time of item or REF
t: REF is timestamp (only valid for X)
-nogroup Matches items which aren't assigned to a group
-nouser Matches items which aren't assigned to a user
-perm [-/]PERM Matches exactly bits in PERM, all in -PERM, any in /PERM
-readable Matches items which are readable by current user
-true Always true
-uid UID Matches with user ID
-user UNAME Matches with user name or ID
-writable Matches items which are writable by current user

-print Print the matching path
-fprint FILE Same as above but write to given FILE instead of stdout
-print0 Print the matching path without newline
-fprint0 FILE Same as above but write to given FILE instead of stdout
-printf FORMAT Print using find printf formatting
-fprintf FILE FORMAT Same as above but write to given FILE instead of stdout
-pyprint PYFORMAT Print using python print() using named args:
find_root: the root given to refind
root: the directory name this item is in
rel_dir: the relative directory name from find_root
name: the name of the item
full_path: the full path of the item
mode_oct: st_mode as octal string
perm_oct: only the permissions part of mode_oct
perm: the permission in symbolic form
type: the type character
depth: the directory depth integer of this item
group: group name
user: user name
link: the file that this links to, if any
atime: access time as datetime
ctime: created time as datetime
mtime: modified time as datetime
any st args from os.stat()
-fpyprint FILE PYFORMAT Same as above but write to given FILE instead of stdout
-pyprint0 PYFORMAT Same as pyprint except end is set to empty string
-fpyprint0 FILE PYFORMAT Same as above but write to given FILE instead of stdout
-exec COMMAND ; Execute the COMMAND where {} in the command is the matching path
-pyexec PYFORMAT ; Execute the COMMAND as a pyformat (see pyprint)
-delete Deletes every matching path

Library Help
refind can be used as a library from another module. The following is a simple example.
import refind
from io import StringIO

finder = refind.Finder()
finder.append_matcher(refind.TypeMatcher(FindType.FILE, FindType.DIRECTORY))
output_stream = StringIO()
finder.add_action(refind.PyPrintAction('{perm} {name}', file=output_stream))
matches = finder.execute()

# Prints the string that contains the result of all actions performed
print(output_stream.getvalue(), end='')

# Prints the contents of matches
for match in matches:
print(f'{match.find_root}, {match.root}, {match.rel_dir}, {}, {match.full_path}')

The following Finder functions may be used to setup Finder.
def add_root(self, *root_dirs:Union[str,List[str]]) -> None:
Adds one or more roots. Each root will be treated as a glob when executing under Windows.

def set_min_depth(self, min_depth:int) -> None:
Sets the global minimum depth limit

def set_max_depth(self, max_depth:int) -> None:
Sets the global maximum depth limit

def add_action(self, action:Action) -> None:
Adds an action that will be executed on matched paths.

def append_matcher(self, matcher:refind.Matcher, set_logic:refind.LogicOperation=None) -> None:
Appends a matcher using a logic gate (AND or OR).
Inputs: matcher - The matcher to append
set_logic - The logic gate to use when appending this matcher

def set_matcher(self, matcher:refind.Matcher):
Clears out the current matcher and sets the given matcher.

The following Actions are provided by refind.
# Simply prints the full path of the item
PrintAction(end:str=None, file:io.IOBase=None, flush:bool=False)

# Prints the item using python format string
PyPrintAction(format:str, end:str=None, file:io.IOBase=None, flush:bool=False)

# Prints the item using printf format string
PrintfAction(format:str, end:str=None, file:io.IOBase=None, flush:bool=False)

# Executes custom command where {} is the full path to the item

# Executes custom command where each element in the command is a format string

# Deletes the matched item

The following Matchers are provided by refind. Use set_invert() function after creating the
matcher if inverting the result is desired.
# Statically return True or False for every item

# The default matcher when none specified (same as StaticMatcher(True))

# Matches against the name of the item

# Matches against the full path of the item

# Matches against the full path of the item using regex
RegexMatcher(pattern:str, regex_type:refind.RegexType)

# Matches against the item's type

# Matches against os.stat time relative to current time

# Matches against os.stat time to an absolute time

# Matches when directory empty or file size is 0 bytes

# Matches against access type for current user (read, write, execute)

# Matches against group name or ID

# Matches against user name or ID

# Matches against octal perm value
PermMatcher(perm:int, logic_operation:refind.LogicOperation=None)

# Gates two matchers together using logical AND or OR

The Finder.execute() function should then be called once all options, actions, and matchers are
set on the Finder object.
def execute(
) -> Union[List[PathParser],None]:
Inputs: default_root: The default root to use when no root was previously added
default_action: The default action to use when no action was previously added.
return_list: set to False in order to save on memory when return not needed
Returns: a list of PathParser when return_list is True or None when return_list is False


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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