Reflex-events 1.14

Creator: railscoderz

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Reflexevents 1.14

Reflex is an event system for applications made using Python.
The package provides a way for applications to manage events and event listeners, with little effort.
While the system is somewhat more complex than existing event systems, I feel it is more flexible, and more powerful.
Below is an example that hints at the capabilites of Reflex:
from import Event
from reflex.control import EventManager
from reflex.interfaces import Reactor

class example(Reactor):

name = 'example'

def __inst__(self):
self.bind(self.handler, 'basic', source='main')
self.bind(self.use_args, 'args')

def handler(self, event, *args):
print("Hello, world!")

def use_args(self, event, *args):
print("Event triggered by {0} since because {1}.".format(event.source, args[0]))

events = EventManager()
obj = example(events)

# The following event trigger is not handled by anything.
# The next event trigger is handled by the handler method.
events.trigger(Event('basic', [('source', 'main')]))
# This one is yes.
events.trigger(Event('args', [('source', 'main')]), 'pickles')
Documentation and a package reference can be found at
The purpose of this package is to make creating an event driven plugin system
for your application an effortless task. A full plugin system can created in
just a few lines, as shown here:
from import Event
from reflex.control import EventManager
from reflex.control import ReactorBattery
import plugins

# Create an event manager.
events = EventManager()

# Create a battery.
battery = ReactorBattery()
# Load our plugins.
battery.load_objects(events, plugins, 'Plugin')

# Plugins can now be accessed as such:
# battery.loaded[plugin_name]
# Events can be fired as follows:
# events.trigger(Event('my event'))
# Easy as pie!
The above example assumes your plugins are stored in a package called


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