rejviz 0.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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rejviz 0.0.1

Rejviz [ray-veez], VM / disk image tools built on top of
Currently rejviz-builder command is implemented.

A command that proxies to virt-builder and adds a custom –nic
option, which allows to configure network interfaces on the image
(files /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethX). All other options
are passed to virt-builder untouched.
The format of the –nic parameter is:
--nic name=NAME[,key=VALUE]...

key = {name|hwaddr|bootproto|ipaddr|network|netmask|broadcast}
The values which are not specified can often be inferred (or in case
of hwaddr, autogenerated to a random KVM MAC address).

If only name is specified, the bootproto is ‘dhcp’.
If name and ipaddr is specified, the bootproto is ‘static’ and and
the other values are inferred as for a /32 network.

Example usage:
rejviz-builder centos-7.0 \
-o mycentos.qcow2 --format qcow2 --size 15G \
--hostname mycentos --root-password password:mypassword \
--nic name=eth0 \
--nic name=eth1,ipaddr= \
--nic name=eth2,ipaddr=

Design doc

Use cases

Create a VM image

From base image
Having some size
With some script run
With network interfaces configured (some DHCP, some static IPs)
Subscribed via RHSM

Create a VM

With network interface MAC addresses matching the interfaces from
the image
With some RAM and vCPUs

Amend existing VM image (or libvirt domain)

Reconfigure network interfaces
Re-subscribe via RHSM

Tell me something about an image (or libvirt domain)

List network interfaces and their basic config
Check that MACs on the domain match MACs in

I/O view

Creating an image

In: params
Out: image
rejviz-builder command that proxies to virt-builder and adds
custom params on top (RHSM, network interfaces)

Creating a VM

In: image and params
Out: domain XML or created domain (both through virt-install)
rejviz-install command that proxies to virt-install and
determines some of the parameters from the image

Amending an image (or libvirt domain)

In: (image or domname) and params
Out: image edited in place
rejviz-customize command that proxies to virt-customize and
adds custom params on top (RHSM, network interfaces)

Image/domain introspection

In: (image or domname) and params
Out: information printed


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