relational 0.0.1

Creator: railscoderz

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relational 0.0.1

A Minimal Relational Function

PyTorch/Numpy agnostic function implementing the relational block from "A simple neural network module for relational reasoning".

I wrote this to learn how to use nbdev. I'm pretty sure it's correct but it only implements the core function for using relational networks and none of the other stuff (such as nn.Module classes etc) that Kai included in the pull request.
The original paper can be found here.
pip install relational
How to use
This can be used to implement a relational network in PyTorch. An example would be something like:
from relational.core import relation

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

class SetNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, datadim, n_hidden):
super(SetNet, self).__init__()
self.n_hidden = n_hidden
self.g = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(datadim*2, n_hidden),
nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden))
self.f = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden),
nn.Linear(n_hidden, n_hidden))

def forward(self, x):
n, t, d = x.size()
x = relation(x, self.g, reduction='mean')
return self.f(x)

x = torch.randn(4, 8, 16)
setnet = SetNet(x.size(2), 10)

torch.Size([4, 10])


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