relationaldb 0.1.1

Creator: railscoderz

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relationaldb 0.1.1

RelationalDB is a python ODM library for MongoDB that allows you to design collections like you do it for your normal dataclasses objects.
This library is in alpha-release, it's a work in progress for the moment, excellent libraries for MongoDB ODM in python exist:

There are a lot of none implemented main features (I implement them when I have time or when I need it for my project).
relationaldb wraps attrs to create classes boilerplate and add few parameters.
One to Many relation
Let's say you want a simple one to many relations, with two entities: Animal and Person.

Each animal can have one owner (Person)
Each person can have 0 to many animals

from relationaldb import conception

# Object to design the architecture of the database
c = conception()

# Add collection woth 'define' like with attrs
class Person:
# add new attribute with 'field' method
# in_filter_query parameter allows to use the 'db.Person.feed' method to upsert new documents
name: str = c.field(in_filter_query=True)

# all attrs.fields parameters are available
money: int = c.field(kw_only=True, default=0)
birth_year: int = c.field(kw_only=True, default=None)

class Animal:
# We can reference
name: Person = c.field(in_filter_query=True)

owner: Person = c.field(kw_only=True, default=None)
birth_year: int = c.field(kw_only=True, default=None)

# Create a new mongodb named "mydb"
db = c.mongodb("relationaldb_mydb_01")

# Create second DB with same architecture
db2 = c.mongodb("relationaldb_mydb_02")

# Create a new person

# Get the person
person = db.Person.first()
assert isinstance(person, Person)
assert == "John"

for person in db.Person:

# Upsert (create or update) person named 'Smith' if it does not exists (based on in_filter_query)
db.Person.feed("Smith") # will create the person
db.Person.feed("Smith") # will do nothing, person already exist
db.Person.feed("Smith", money=1000) # will update the person 'Smith'


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