reminisce 0.0.7

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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reminisce 0.0.7

Home Journal
A self-hosted mini journaling site for families for capturing

and anything else you want to remember

I had an old wordpress blog that I converted to markdown files and needed a way to view the posts. I was looking for something self-hosted and simple. Some of my design requirements were:

Mobile friendly and easy to post from mobile
Need to look and feel like a mobile app
Needed to be all static files, or as close as I could get
Needed to be markdown based
Needed to have a sane directory structure
No authentication or social auth since this is self-hosted
No database
No javascript frameworks
Minimal dependencies
No need to edit posts from the UI
No need to delete posts from the UI
Ability to regenerate all html files
Ability to add new posts with a text editor

What's working

Github style markdown formatting
Index page
Light/dark modes
New post page
Post page
Progressive web app (PWA) support (requires https)
PWA as share target
Rebuild static html files (http://your.server/all)
Responsive design
Site initialization
Splitting Google motion photos into stills and video
Static files for all but new entry submission
Tags page
Video uploads

Future enhancements


pip install home-journal --user

Decide on the directory where you wish to place the site files. (e.g. /home/user/home_journal)
home-journal --init --site-directory /home/user/home_journal

Each time home-journal is run with the --init flag it will copy the css, js, and icons from the source tree into the site. If these files have been customized in the site directory, those changes will be overwritten if the --init flag is used again.
Until stable releases are available, the css and js files may change so running with the --init flag will be necessary. Improvements to the css and js files are welcomed as pull requests to the repository.
usage: home-journal [-h] [-i] [-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [-f LOG_FILE] [-p PORT] -s SITE_DIRECTORY [-t TAGS]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --init Initialize the site with css, js, and icons
-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --log_level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Log level
-f LOG_FILE, --log_file LOG_FILE
Log file
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to run the server on
Path to the site directory
-t TAGS, --tags TAGS A list of tags for new posts

In a container
Although currently a container is not available, a sample Container file is available in the repository.
The container will need python, ffmpeg, and libmagic.
an example using fedora would be:

RUN dnf5 install -y && \
dnf5 install -y \
python3 \
python3-pip \
ffmpeg && \
dnf5 clean all -y

RUN pip install --root-user-action=ignore \

built with:
podman build -f Containerfile --tag home-journal

and run with:
podman run --volume /home/user/site:/mnt/site --publish 9000:8000 home-journal \
home-journal --log_file /mnt/site/hj.log \
--log_level debug \
--site_directory /mnt/site \
--tags family,friends,food,home,travel \

Where /home/user/site is the directory where you wish to place the site files and log file.
Please see the individual files in the root of the repo for the most recent examples.
Thank you

Slick modern simple CSS
Markdown to HTML, github style
Github style markdown/html CSS
Handy frontmatter extractor
Easy wordpress xml to md
Sample photos


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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