remix.framework 0.9.8

Creator: railscoder56

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remix.framework 0.9.8

REMix is addressing research questions in the field of energy system analysis.
The main focus is on the broad techno-economical assessment of possible future
energy system designs and analysis of interactions between technologies. This
will allow system analysts to inform policy makers and technology researchers
to gain a better understanding of both the system and individual components.
The documentation of REMix is hosted online: REMix docu.
Do not hesitate to ask questions about REMix in the openmod forum.
Key Features
To know if REMix is apt for your project take into account these key features:
Large Models:
REMix is developed with large models in mind.
This means high spatial and technological resolutions.
Path Optimization:
Multi-year analyses are built into the framework.
Custom accounting approaches:
The indicator module allows for a very flexible definition of what contributes
to the objective functions.
Flexible modeling:
There is not a single way of modeling technologies in REMix.
With the flexible modelling concept you can find the best way of integrating your modeling needs.
Multi-criteria optimization:
Apart from running a cost minimization, also other criteria like ecological or
resilience indicators can be taken into account in the objective function.
How to use
To run a REMix model, users need a recent GAMS
installation (version 37 or above).
To use REMix, clone this repository, create a new Python environment and
install remix.framework through pip.
Either clone with ssh:
git clone

Or clone with https:
git clone

For the installation of the remix.framework package, you have two options:

install from PyPI:

mamba create -n remix-env python # make sure the Python version matches your GAMS version
mamba activate remix-env
pip install remix.framework

install from the cloned repository:

cd framework
conda create -n remix-env python
conda activate remix-env
pip install -e .[dev]

Please find the extensive installation instructions in the online documentation.
Additionally, a data project is required which contains the parametrization of
the model scope and technologies. We provide
example projects, which can be used
to gain first experience with running the REMix optimization model.
To run your model, you can use the command line interface:
conda activate remix-env
remix run --datadir=/path/to/data/folder/of/your/model/data

All configuration options available with the command line tool are documented
in the technical documentation.
Latest publications using REMix

Wetzel et al. (2023): "Green energy carriers and energy sovereignty in a climate neutral European energy system"
Gils et al. (2022): "Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling - quantification and drivers"[^1]
Gils et al. (2021): "Interaction of hydrogen infrastructures with other sector coupling options towards a zero-emission energy system in Germany"[^1]
Sasanpour et al. (2021): "Strategic policy targets and the contribution of hydrogen in a 100% renewable European power system"[^1]

Contribute to REMix
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every bit
helps, and credit will always be given. To learn how to contribute to REMix we
have included a respective section in our
online documentation.
The preparation of the open source version of REMix was financed by the Helmholtz Association's Energy System Design research programme, which also enables the continuous maintenance of the framework. The methodological and content-related development of REMix was made possible by funding from the German Federal Ministries for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and for Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the projects UNSEEN (BMWK, FKZ 03EI1004A), Sesame Seed (BMWK, FKZ 03EI1021B), Fahrplan Gaswende (BMWK, FKZ 03EI1030B), ReMoDigital (BMWK, FKZ 03EI1020B), and HINT (BMBF, FKZ 03SF0690) as well as the DLR-internal projects NaGsys and CarnotBat, which were also funded by the Helmholtz Association's Energy System Design research programme. The development of earlier REMix versions, which provided the basis for the published version, was made possible by funding from the projects MuSeKo (BMWK, FKZ 03ET4038B), INTEEVER-II (BMWK, FKZ 03ET4069A), START (BMBF, FKZ 03EK3046D), BEAM-ME (BMWK, FKZ 03ET4023A), INTEEVER (BMWK, FKZ 03ET4020A), Plan-DelyKaD (BMWK, FKZ 0325501), “Lastausgleich” (BMWK, FKZ 0328009), and “Elektromobilitaet” (BMWK, FKZ 0328005A) as well as the Helmholtz Association's Energy System Design research programme and its predecessors.
[^1]: These papers were still using a non-open legacy version of the REMix framework


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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