remove-duplicates 1.0.5

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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removeduplicates 1.0.5

Utility to recursive search and move/delete duplicate files of the same size and context in specified folder.
If the storage folder (recycle_bin) is not specified, then duplicate files will be deleted!
If the number of command line parameters is zero, then the search folder = current folder.
Command line parameters
-st, --start_folder (first parameter): the folder with which the recursive search begins
-rb, --recycle_bin (second parameter): optional folder for storing duplicate files (move file).
-log, --log_file: log file.
-fnp, --fn_pattern: File name pattern. Only files matching the pattern are processed!
Provides support for Unix shell-style wildcards. Default value is "*.*"
-nr, --not_recursively": If this parameter is set, then recursive search is disabled!

Call example
rmdup --start_folder=E:\YoutubeChannelsCopy --recycle_bin=E:\reserved --log_file=E:\reserved\logfile.txt --fn_pattern="*.png"

Work log

After installation use rmdup --help instead of remove_dup
Most of the program messages are translated into five languages: English, Russian, German, Spanish, French.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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