replacy-issue-boundary 0.2.12

Creator: railscoderz

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replacyissueboundary 0.2.12

replaCy Issue Boundary
A replaCy component to fix issue boundary:

fix signle or double space at start.
fix double comma.
fix comma at start
fix parenthesis space.
fix first letter is a lower case.
extend to next word if facing casing issue.

Add after joiner to work
poetry add replacy_issue_boundary
pip install replacy_issue_boundary
import en_core_web_sm
from replacy import ReplaceMatcher
from replacy.db import load_json
from replacy_issue_boundary import IssueBoundary
from spacy.util import filter_spans

nlp = en_core_web_sm.load()
replaCy = ReplaceMatcher(nlp, load_json('path to match dict(s)'))
issue_boundary = IssueBoundary()
replaCy.add_pipe(name="span_filter", component=filter_spans, before="joiner")
replaCy.add_pipe(issue_boundary, name="article_agreer", after="joiner")

The CI/CD in this project is great. GitHub Actions run linting and tests on any PR. If you merge into master, release-drafter drafts a new release based on PR commits and tags (e.g. if the PR is tagged feature and minor it will create a minor version bump with the changes labeled as Features).
I can't figure out the automatic versioning bit... leaving it in a broken state for now :/


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