requests-ucloud 0.3.1

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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requestsucloud 0.3.1

UCloud authentication for the awesome requests!

How to Install
pip install requests-ucloud

How to Use
Just pass the auth object to requests

Omni API Auth
For common api and ufile authentication
>>> import requests
>>> from ucloudauth import UCloudOmniAuth
>>> session = reqeusts.session()
>>> session.auth = UCloudOmniAuth("public-key", "private-key")
>>> session.get(
... "",
... params=dict(Action="SomeAction") # demo of common api
... )
<Response [200]>
>>> session.put(
... "",
... data="test-data" # demo of ufile api
... )
<Response [200]>

Common UCloud Auth
>>> import requests
>>> from ucloudauth import UCloudAuth
>>> requests.get(
... "",
... params=dict(SomeParams="SomeValue"),
... auth=UCLoudAuth("public-key", "private-key")
... )
<Response [200]>

UFile Object Auth
>>> import requests
>>> from ucloudauth import UFile
>>> session = requests.session()
>>> session.auth = UFileAuth(
... "public-key",
... "private-key",
... expires=None, # for signing in url, expires is unix `timestamp`
... expires_in=None, # for signing in url, expires in `x` seconds
... allow_empty_md5=False # if no content-md5 was provided, UFileAuth will calculate for you
... # set to `True` to disable this function
... )
>>> req = session.put(
... "",
... data="test-data"
... )
<Response [200]>
>>> url_auth = UFileAuth(
... "public-key",
... "private-key",
... expires=None, # for signing in url, expires is unix `timestamp`
... expires_in=10, # for signing in url, expires in 10 seconds
... )
>>> req = requests.Request(
... "GET", # http method
... "", # url
... auth=url_auth
... )
>>> req.prepare().url

UCloud API
View full UCloud API

View full UFile API


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