reqwire 0.2.1

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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reqwire 0.2.1

reqwire wires up your pip requirements with pip-tools.

>From PyPI:
$ pip install -U reqwire
>From source:
$ pip install -e git+


Manage multiple requirement source files, or tags
Add requirements from the command line (à la npm --save)
Compile tagged source files with pip-compile (from pip-tools)

Until PEP 518 and Pipfile become reality, maintaining one or more
requirements.txt files for Python projects will continue to be
subject to personal preference and differing opinions on best practices
[1]. Typical workflows involve maintaining multiple
requirements.txt files, and many projects have some form of tooling,
be it Makefile targets or external tools, such as Vincent Driessen’s
excellent pip-tools.
reqwire is a glorified wrapper around pip-tools, and imposes a
slightly opinionated workflow:

Python requirements are split into source files and built files,
with the built files being the output from pip-compile, containing
pinned versions of the entire dependency graph. (Use reqwire init
to quickly scaffold the necessary directory structure.)
Source files (with the .in extension) represent a project’s
immediate dependencies, and are always pinned to specific versions or
version ranges.
Source filenames are synonymous with tags, which can be passed to
reqwire add and reqwire build to maintain requirements for
entirely separate environments.

reqwire makes no claims about being designed specifically for
humans, bonobos, cats, or any other land mammal. This project is not
farm raised, free range, organic, low sugar, MSG free, gluten free,
halal, kosher, vegan, or particularly of any nutritional value
whatsoever. It just wraps pip-tools and helps you manage your freakin
Python requirements. ☮ 🌈


Source code


Unit tests
Provide a command to update requirements (user-specified version)
Provide a command to freshen requirements
Provide a command to combine tags to a single output file
(easily possible with pip-compile)
Provide a utility for generating setup and runtime requirements in scripts using setuptools.
Abandon in favor of Pipfile 👌



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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