respice 0.3.8

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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respice 0.3.8

Flexible and easy to use non-linear transient electric circuit simulator.

pip3 install respice

Create your circuit and simulate it!
from respice.analysis import Circuit
from respice.components import CurrentSourceDC, R, C

# Define components for our circuit.
R1 = R(100)
R2 = R(200)
C3 = C(10e-6)
R4 = R(200)
R5 = R(100)
Isrc = CurrentSourceDC(0.1)

# Construct the circuit. All circuits are just
# Digraphs allowing multiple edges. On each edge
# one component.
wheatstone_bridge = Circuit()
wheatstone_bridge.add(R1, 0, 1)
wheatstone_bridge.add(R2, 0, 2)
wheatstone_bridge.add(C3, 1, 2)
wheatstone_bridge.add(R4, 1, 3)
wheatstone_bridge.add(R5, 2, 3)
wheatstone_bridge.add(Isrc, 3, 0)

# Simulate! From t1 = 0ms to t2 = 5ms with 100 steps.
simulation = wheatstone_bridge.simulate(0, 0.005, 100)
The results are stored in the returned object and can be easily accessed
via simulation.v(component), simulation.i(component) or simulation.p(component).
Those contain the voltages, currents and powers respectively for each time step
as a list. The time steps can be accessed with simulation.t().
All simulations are asynchronous. Accessing results early may only give partial
results. Use simulation.wait() to wait until the result is ready.
Results can be immediately plotted.
For plotting, plotly is required.
from respice.examples import RC

# Define an example RC circuit. The package respice.examples
# contains a few!
rc = RC(100, 100e-6, 10) # 100Ohm, 100uF, 10V
simulation = rc.simulate(0, 0.1, 100)
The plot function will wait automatically until the result is finished. Live-plotting
is not supported yet.
More simulations can be found on the snippets page.


MNA - Modified Nodal Analysis
This is the algorithm employed by this software. So it’s easily
possible to handle voltages as well as currents.

Transient non-linear steady-state analysis
Find quickly periodic steady-state solutions of a circuit that appear
when the circuit transients have settled.

Multi-terminal components
Components with more than just two terminals can be handled easily.
Whether each sub-branch of them is a current- or voltage-branch, or
whether they are current- or voltage-driven.

Mutual coupling
Usually required by multi-terminal components, mutual coupling is
easily implementable. Each sub-branch in a component is automatically
receiving the voltages and currents of all other branches comprising
the component.

More details and explanations are available in the documentation.
Documentation is generated via Sphinx. To build the documentation:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r docs-requirements.txt
make html
The index file can then be opened with your favorite browser at build/html/index.html.
Documentation is also available online.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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