rest-collection-client 0.7.0

Creator: railscoder56

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restcollectionclient 0.7.0

REST collection library client.
This package provides bindings for http REST client creation.
This package has no complete solutions for http client, because it has much
application-specific things usually.
HTTP client creation.
Package provides 4 abstract classes for HTTP client:

AbstractHttpClient - HTTP client skeleton.
AbstractGetHttpClient - HTTP client for GET requests only skeleton.
AbstractChunkedGetHttpClient - HTTP client for GET requests, which
request data with chunks (for smaller responses and network performance).
AbstractAuthenticatedChunkedGetHttpClient - previos HTTP client, which
can send authorization requests before data requests.

Example of http client
from math import ceil

from rest_collection_client.http import \

def _build_chunk_url(url, start, stop):
"""Some code, that build url."""

def _get_chunk_total(chunk):
"""Some code, that get total value."""

def _make_request(authentication_data):
"""Some code, that make JSON-like data, that will be sended to server."""

def _store_authorization_data(session, response):
"""Some code, that store authorization data to session for next requests."""

class RestCollectionClient(AbstractAuthenticatedChunkedGetHttpClient):

def _compose_other_chunk_urls(self, url, chunk_size, first_chunk):
total = _get_chunk_total(first_chunk)

for index in range(1, ceil(total / chunk_size)):
start = index * chunk_size
stop = (index + 1) * chunk_size

yield _build_chunk_url(url, start, stop)

def _compose_first_chunk_url(self, url, chunk_size):
return _build_chunk_url(url, 0, chunk_size)

async def _request_authentication(self, authentication_data):
url = authentication_data['url']

request = _make_request(authentication_data)

async with, json=request) as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
return False

_store_authorization_data(self._session, resp)

return True

Usage of this class:
from asyncio import get_event_loop

from .client import RestCollectionClient

chunk_size = 1000
authentication_data = {
'url': '',
'login': 'user',
'password': 'secret_password'
data_url = ''

async def get():
async with RestCollectionClient() as client:
return await client.get(
data_url, authentication_data, chunk_size=chunk_size

# we will request data here with chunks and authentication request before.
def fetch_data():
loop = get_event_loop()
raw_response = loop.run_until_complete(get())
return raw_response

Join REST response in SQL-like manner.
Data from REST collection API looks like this structure:
"a": [
{"id": 1, "name": "a"}
"b": [
{"id": 2, "a_id": 1, "name": "b"}
"c": [
{"id": 2, "b_id": 2, "name": "c"}

They are normalized, like tables in SQL database. But, oftenly, we want to
build 2-dimensioned table from them.
In SQL databases it is possible, when we use JOIN expression. So, we suggest
to use similar way, built on the top of famous library called
Declare join rules
First of all, we need to declare how our data relates internally. For this
purpose, this package provides some containers.
from rest_collection_client.join import RestCollectionJoinColumns, \
RestCollectionJoinRule, RestCollectionJoinSequence

RESPONSE_JOIN_SEQUENCE = RestCollectionJoinSequence(
RestCollectionJoinColumns('a', 'id'),
RestCollectionJoinColumns('b', 'a_id')
RestCollectionJoinColumns('b', 'id'),
RestCollectionJoinColumns('c', 'b_id')

# we will get 2d-table here
def make_table(response):
# response must be Mapping object with model names as keys and
# `pandas.DataFrame` objects as values.
return RESPONSE_JOIN_SEQUENCE.join(response)

In this example, we declare what columns of one model points to some columns
in another model for each bond. Our relations contains in each case only one
column pointing to one column, but this package supports multiple columns
declaration for each case as well.
Prepare raw response data for joining.
We know, that JSON accepts only simple types of data, like booleans, strings,
numbers. But we have to transfer more complex data sometimes, like
datetimes, timedeltas, decimals and others.
So, we have to deserialize our raw response from server and convert them to
the map of pandas.DataFrame. This packages provides some containers to
resolve this issue.
from rest_collection_client.response import \
RestCollectionDeserializeMap, RestCollectionResponse

def _deserialize_a(a_item):

def _deserialize_b(b_item):

def _deserialize_c(c_item):

RESPONSE_DESERIALIZE_MAP = RestCollectionDeserializeMap(

def deserialize_response(raw_response):
return RestCollectionResponse.deserialize(

RestCollectionDeserializeMap creates map of callables for each model, which
is required for RestCollectionResponse.deserialize classmethod.
RestCollectionResponse is a Mapping object, with model names as keys and
pandas.DataFrame objects as values (as join containers required).
Rename response model columns.
As we see, some models may have equal-named columns, like all models in our
example - we talk about "name" column. If we join our response in
2d-table, we will catch 3 columns, that will be called "name". It is very unclear, we can not predict what column belongs to some concrete model.
Even worse case, if equal-named columns will appear in "join" column. We can
join out data in wrong way.
That`s why, RestCollectionJoinSequence container requires, that all column
names must be unique.
By default, RestCollectionJoinColumns concatenates model name and column
name with dot, like this:, b.a_id, etc... According to this, we
should rename columns in our RestCollectionResponse before it will be
joined by RestCollectionJoinSequence.
This package has default rename factory:
from rest_collection_client.response import RestCollectionRenameFactory

RESPONSE_RENAME_FACTORY = RestCollectionRenameFactory()

def rename_response_values(response):
return response.rename(RESPONSE_RENAME_FACTORY)

You can inherit RestCollectionRenameFactory and implement your own factory,
but it must be related to rename manner of RestCollectionJoinColumns.
Both containers have keyword parameter delimiter, to declare concatenate
Full usage example
from .fetch import fetch_data
from .join import make_table
from .deserialize import deserialize_response
from .rename import rename_response_values

def main():
raw_response = fetch_data()
response = deserialize_response(raw_response)
response = rename_response_values(response)
return make_table(response)

After calling main function, we will get joined pandas.DataFrame
structure with requested data.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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