restmagic 0.7.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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restmagic 0.7.2

%%rest : HTTP REST magic for IPython.
Intended to provide similar functionality as restclient.el - HTTP REST client tool for Emacs.

In [1]: %load_ext restmagic
In [2]: %%rest
...: POST
...: Content-Type: application/json
...: Authorization: Bearer $mytoken
...: {
...: "some": "data",
...: "array here": [
...: "item 1",
...: "item 2"
...: ]
...: }
Out [2]: <Response [200]>

See notebooks:

Usage example
Django login form
GitHub API
Sending SMS with HiLink API
Ethereum JSON RPC

Package can be installed from the PyPI by executing:
pip install restmagic
Development version can be installed by executing:
pip install git+
Package can be uninstalled by executing:
pip uninstall restmagic

Related resources

restclient.el : HTTP REST client tool for Emacs
Make Jupyter/IPython Notebook even more magical with cell magic extensions! : Nicolas Kruchten’s talk from the PyCon Canada 2015
ipython-sql : was used as an example of IPython magic
python-requests : used for HTTP requests
requests-toolbelt : used for HTTP sessions information dumping
jsonpath-rw : used to extract parts of JSON responses
lxml : used to extract parts of XML/HTML responses


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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