restmapper 2.0.1

Creator: railscoderz

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restmapper 2.0.1

python-restmapper=================|CI Status| |Version|RestMapper takes the pain out of integrating with RESTful APIs. Itremoves all of the complexity with writing API-specific code, and letsyou focus all your energy on the important stuff. Here’s a quick example(using Twitter):.. code:: pycon Twitter = RestMapper("{path}.json") auth = OAuth1('YOUR_APP_KEY', 'YOUR_APP_SECRET', 'USER_OAUTH_TOKEN', 'USER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET') twitter = Twitter(auth=auth) response = twitter.statuses.mentions_timeline()Whoa, easy, right? This will call,authenticate the request using OAuth1, and return the response as JSON.The great thing is that there’s not much else you need to learn tointegrate with any other API. You just plug in the base URL format,provide any optional authentication handlers (that requests provides),and then just start making API calls.See`requests-cloudkit <>`__for an example of an authentication handler working with Apple’sCloudKit which is compatible right out of the box with RestMapper.Installation------------RestMapper is available for download through the Python Package Index(PyPi). You can install it right away using pip or easy_install.:: pip install restmapperUsage-----The first thing you need to do is generate a base RestMapper object thatwill allow you to instantiate a connection with a remote API... code:: pycon >>> Twitter = RestMapper("{path}.json")``{path}`` is just a placeholder for the rest of the path. You’llspecify this later when making API calls.Twitter’s API is protected by OAuth1, so the next step is to provideauthentication. When integrating with any other API, any`requests-compatible <>`__auth object can be provided... code:: pycon >>> from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1 >>> auth = OAuth1('YOUR_APP_KEY', 'YOUR_APP_SECRET', 'USER_OAUTH_TOKEN', 'USER_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET') >>> twitter = Twitter(auth=auth)Now you can start making calls. The API object’s attributes andproperties map one-to-one with the API you’re integrating with. E.g.,the below:.. code:: pycon >>> response = twitter.statuses.mentions_timeline()…will request The pathimplied by the attribute syntax is inserted right where the ``path``placeholder is in the ``Twitter`` object’s instantiation earlier.If you want to pass in body data for a POST, provide a single argumentto the call to the API, and specify “POST” as the first attribute. I.e... code:: pycon >>>, PUT, GET, and POST are all supported. GET is currently thedefault.Miscellaneous~~~~~~~~~~~~~By default, python-restmapper will return parsed JSON objects. If you’dlike the raw response object for a request, just pass in``parse_response=False`` as an argument to the API object.Support-------If you like this library, or need help implementing it, send us anemail: _license-licenselicense-badgelicense-url:License |License|-----------------Apache License, Version 2.0. See `LICENSE <>`__ for details... raw:: html <!-- Images -->.. raw:: html <!-- .. |downloads| image:: .. _downloads: -->.. |CI Status| image:: :target: |Version| image:: :target: |License| image:: :target:


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