Retro3D 2.7

Creator: railscoder56

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Retro3D 2.7

Welcome to Retro3D!
Retro3D is a 3D game engine written in Python. All of the rendering is done in code (as opposed to using your 3d video card).

To use this library, you will need to have Python installed on your machine. The project was built using Python 3.10.10

You will also need to have pip installed. I did it on Windows like this:

curl -o

Two ways to use Retro3D

Install the library using
pip install Retro3d

Clone/Download the project from
and add it to your project/solution.
Make sure to install its requirements:

terminal to the Retro3D directory that has the file requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt

Sample Project : HelloRetro3D
This is the simplest form of a project using Retro3d.
It just shows a rotating cube.

Sample Project : Combat
This is basic clone of the arcade game BattleZone. This game will show you how to handle camera rotation, model loading, sound, music, player input, and 2D HUD graphics. Retro3D uses pygame for functionality like drawing, sound, etc.

How to step through Retro3D Engine Code
I've built Retro3D using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2019.
My Visual Studio Solution looked like this:



I added the Retro3d.pyproj (python project) as a reference.

Easy Game Development
The 'game engine' part of Retro3D is there so you can get your
game up and running quickly.
The game title, instructions, and credits are all auto-generated
based on the contents of your ConfigGame object.
For example, when you do this
config = ConfigGame()

config.screen_resolution = pg.math.Vector2(1024, 768)
config.title = "Combat"; = "Deepak Deo"
config.year = "1977"

the game engine automatically creates a window (1024x768) and shows the title and author on the cover screen.

You can also easily add instructions...

and game credits.

Future Changes
3D Engine

engine optimizations
better inline documentation of 3d engine math
autoreflections - just the geometry upside down
some form of very cheap shadows
Have not yet passed the teapot test..
Display lists should hold tris, not objs
for better optimization + variety of rendering types within
a single object (i.e. solid + transparent, etc)
Need proper clipping. should be adding vertices to show part of the poly.
use z buffer to hide 'behind' polys
engine still needs to handle object draw ordering
Use .mtl file along with .obj so that the obj files can have color per face info
also, need to use 'materials' so that we can color objs on top of what the .obj file specifies.
right now it's just one color per object
Support multiple lights, multiple light types (i.e. point), and light color
Optimize by use njit properly
Optimize draw_normals method
Optimize Matrix class: should have pre-multipled matrix methods: ie zxyt
The core pipeline is shit:
not using python for single line list processing as i should
copying and recopying vert_lists/matrices when dealing with vertex transformation
normals transformation is even worse!
math could use some streamlining
Draw vertices with flag (like normals)
self.draw_vertices = False
if obj.draw_vertices:
for vertex in list_vertex:, pg.Color('white'), vertex, 6)
Shaded outline shouldn't show the diagonal line of the tri
maybe precalc which line is the longest and flag it

##### Game Engine
* Upgrade rez system. Maybe break out sound into a proper
sound engine.
* Create a high score system that auto stores on line.
Develoepr should just have to say type of score.
* support for full screen mode. see
* need safety code for model loading. assuming just tris right now.
* formal font system. just drop in a folder and use.
art and sound should be just as easy.
* Formal input system.
Support mouse input for Game
* Use texture sheets

##### Common
* Make code more 'pythonic'
* Need simpler/cleaner way of doing imports
* Abstract out pygame stuff or use directly?
i.e. font system, image loading with error checking
same for python standard lib and si code.
* 'dsd's in code

##### Community
* Instructions on how others can contribute to the project.
* how do others tell me/us what new features they want or
what bugs they find?
* Formal page on or something like that.
Have documentation of Engine functions and tutorials.
And some youTube vids! And some place to converse about
using this thing. Don't forget to udpate url in
and links in this readme file.
* Make some more sample games:
- Fighter Jet
- Racing
- Space Battle
- Tron
- Fractal Terrain Flyer

##### Cosmetic Changes
* Want a cheesy 80s/90s style 3d game engine intro.
* Make the Cover/Instructions/Credits look less-shitty :/

Change Log

1.0 (Jan 11, 2023)

First Release

1.1 (Jan 11, 2023)


1.2 (Jan 12, 2023)

Another reorg

1.3 (Jan 12, 2023)

Added game config

1.4 (Jan 12, 2023)

Added BackgroundInfo to support from flat to mutli-part-gradient backgrounds

1.5 (Jan 12, 2023)

Support for hud drawing
Added a shaded outline draw list

1.6 (Jan 17, 2023)

Added safety check to Engine.__calc_face_color by making sure dot product parameter is in valid range

1.7 (Jan 18, 2023)

Fixed issue of vertices that were behind the camera were being drawn
Fixed normals - which was causing a dot product miscalc

2.7 (Mar 31, 2023)

Project reorg to work better with Pypi
Built separate sample projects: HelloWorld and Combat.
Added requirements.txt
Setup rez system for fonts/images/sounds
Dumped some Si functions in favor of pygame functions
Added cover/instruction/credits system
Fixed 3d math bugs


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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