reusable 0.0.9

Creator: railscoderz

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reusable 0.0.9

Python reusable code, utility functions and time saver.
Python reusable library contains a handful of reusable functions and utility class
pip install -U reusable

Loading Configuration files as class attributes
from reusable import AppConfig

Load config file accessible via class methods
from reusable import Config

Available functions

random_string() : return a random string of specified length and character set
print_table() : prints a data table provided as list
print_time_taken [decorator] : prints the time of execution of a parameter
groupby_count() : groups a given list according the number of times it appears
generate_all_datetime_regex : generate the regex for all possible datetime
download_file : download a file from the given url
is_python3() : check if the interpreter is python v3
is_python_above_or_equal() : check if the interpreter is above or equal to the given version
check_modules_installed() : check if the given modules are installed
random_useragent() : return a random useragent
is_valid_json() : checks if given string is valid json
headline() : return a formatted string in headline style
splash() : return a string with splash style
multiline_input() : takes multiline user input
get_datadir() : returns the app data folder
get_windows_appdata_dir() : similar to get_datadir() but windows only
slugify() : Makes slug text from given vlaue
float_range() : Returns a iterable of floating range


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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