reviewbot-extension 4.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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reviewbotextension 4.0

Review Bot is a tool for automating tasks on code uploaded to Review
Board, and posting the results as a code review. Review Bot was built to
automate the execution of static analysis tools.
The Review Bot extension integrates Review Board with one or more
Review Bot workers. It manages the configuration rules which tell Review
Bot when and how to review code, and schedules new review requests for review.

Supported Code Checking Tools
The Review Bot extension can perform automated code reviews using any of the
following tools:

- A static analysis tool that provides a variety of checkers for Java code
- A static analysis tool for C/C++ code
- Checks C++ code against Google’s style guide
- A wrapper around several Python code quality tools
- A static analysis tool that provides checkers for many languages
- A code style checker for Python code
- A static analysis tool for Python docstring conventions
- A static analysis tool for Python code

See the links above for installation and usage instructions.

Installing the Review Bot Extension
The extension is provided through the reviewbot-extension Python package.
See the documentation to learn how to install and configure the worker and
the rest of Review Bot.

Getting Support
We can help you get going with Review Bot, and diagnose any issues that may
come up. There are three levels of support: Public Community Support, Private
Basic Support, and Private Premium Support.
The public community support is available on our main discussion list. We
generally respond to requests within a couple of days. This support works well
for general, non-urgent questions that don’t need to expose confidential
Private Support plans are available through support contracts. We offer
same-day support options, handled confidentially over e-mail or our support
tracker, and can assist with a wide range of requests.
See your support options for more information.

Our Happy Users
There are thousands of companies and organizations using Review Board today.
We respect the privacy of our users, but some of them have asked to feature them
on the Happy Users page.
If you’re using Review Board, and you’re a happy user,
let us know!

Reporting Bugs
Hit a bug? Let us know by
filing a bug report.
You can also look through the
existing bug reports to see if anyone
else has already filed the bug.

Are you a developer? Do you want to help build new tools or features for
Review Bot? Great! Let’s help you get started.
First off, read through our Contributor Guide.
We accept patches to Review Bot, Review Board, RBTools, and other related
projects on
(Please note that we do not accept pull requests.)
Got any questions about anything related to Review Board and development? Head
on over to our development discussion list.

Related Projects

Review Board -
Our extensible, open source code review tool.
RBTools -
The RBTools command line suite.
RB Gateway -
Manages Git repositories, providing a full API enabling all of Review Board’s


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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