rigid-body-motion 0.9.1

Creator: railscoderz

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rigidbodymotion 0.9.1

Python utilities for estimating and transforming rigid body motion.
Documentation: https://rigid-body-motion.readthedocs.io

This package provides a high-level interface for transforming arrays
describing motion of rigid bodies between different coordinate systems and
reference frames. The core of the reference frame handling is a fast
re-implementation of ROS’s tf2 library using numpy and
numpy-quaternion. The package also provides first-class support for
xarray data types.

rigid-body-motion can be installed via pip:
$ pip install rigid-body-motion
or via conda:
$ conda install -c phausamann -c conda-forge rigid-body-motion

rigid-body-motion makes it possible to:

Construct trees of static and moving reference frames
Lookup transforms and velocities across the tree
Seamlessly transform positions, orientations and velocities across the tree
Estimate transforms from motion data
Transform data into different coordinate representations
Import data from common motion tracking systems
Visualize reference frames and motion data with matplotlib or RViz
… and more!

This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.


0.9.1 (January 13th, 2022)
Bug fixes & improvements

Fixed package installation through pip (version 0.9.0 is no longer available).

0.9.0 (December 29th, 2021)

Breaking changes

Dropped support for Python 3.6.

Bug fixes & improvements

Fixed issue with matplotlib versions >= 3.5.

0.8.0 (May 27th, 2021)

New features

New ros.init_node method to initialize a ROS node and optionally start
a ROS master.

Bug fixes & improvements

All ROS dependencies are now lazily imported.

0.7.0 (May 19th, 2021)

New features

New from_euler_angles utility method.

Bug fixes & improvements

Importing ROS interface classes will not fail silently anymore and instead
show the traceback of the import error.

0.6.0 (May 17th, 2021)

Breaking changes

Example data is now fetched via the pooch library and no longer a part
of the package itself.

New features

New io module for import/export methods.
New ros.RosbagWriter class for writing rosbag files.

0.5.0 (March 16th, 2021)

Breaking changes

Top-level reference frame transform and lookup methods now all accept a
return_timestamps argument that is False by default. Previously,
methods would return timestamps only if the result of the transformation was
timestamped. This does not affect the xarray interface.
lookup_transform now returns the correct transformation from the base
frame to the target frame (instead of the other way around).
ReferenceFrame.get_transformation is deprecated and replaced by

New features

New plot module with plotting methods for static reference frames and
arrays of points, quaternions and vectors.
New lookup_pose method that calculates the pose of a frame wrt another.

Bug fixes & improvements

Fixed "reference_frame" attribute incorrectly set by

0.4.1 (February 18th, 2021)
Bug fixes & improvements

Fixed transform_coordinates failing when spatial dimension is first
axis of array.
Fixed transform_linear_velocity and transform_angular_velocity
failing when reference frame or moving frame is transformed across only
static transforms.
Added allow_static parameter to lookup_twist,
lookup_angular_velocity and lookup_linear_velocity to return zero
velocity and no timestamps across only static transforms.

0.4.0 (February 11th, 2021)

New features

New lookup_linear_velocity and lookup_angular_velocity top-level
New render_tree top-level method for printing out a graphical
representation of a reference frame tree.
lookup_twist now accepts a mode parameter to specify the mode for
angular velocity calculation.

Bug fixes & improvements

Fixed a bug where estimated angular velocity was all NaN when orientation
contained NaNs.

0.3.0 (December 8th, 2020)

New features

Reference frames with timestamps now accept the discrete parameter,
allowing for transformations to be fixed from their timestamp into the
rbm accessor for DataArrays implementing qinterp and qinv
New best_fit_rotation and qinterp top-level methods.

Bug fixes & improvements

Refactor of internal timestamp matching mechanism defining a clear priority
for target timestamps. This can result in slight changes of timestamps
and arrays returned by transformations but will generally produce more
accurate results.
Added mode and outlier_thresh arguments to
Fixed issues with iterative_closest_point.

0.2.0 (October 22nd, 2020)
New features

New estimate_linear_velocity and estimate_angular_velocity top-level
New qmul top-level method for multiplying quaternions.

0.1.2 (October 7th, 2020)

Use SQUAD instead of linear interpolation for quaternions.

0.1.1 (September 17th, 2020)
Bug fixes

Fix transformations failing for DataArrays with non-numeric coords.

0.1.0 (September 17th, 2020)

First release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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