rinstall 0.2.3

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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rinstall 0.2.3

A CLI for installing R.
Currently works with:

Repos: CRAN
Installation Methods: Source
Supported OS: Linux
Permission Level: Sudo, Non-sudo

Will work with:

Repos: Microsoft R Open
Installation Methods: Spack, Local
Supported OS: MacOS, Windows

Currently, rinse is in the alpha stage of development. The latest release can be installed from PyPI
or the development version can be installed from the dev-master branch on GitHub.
Latest Release
[ $ ] pip install rinstall

Development Version
Create a VE called rinse using your tool of choice:

python -m venv

After making a VE install poetry into it:
[ $ ] python -m venv ~/.env/rinse
[ $ ] source ~/.env/rinse/bin/activate
(rinse) [ $ ] pip install poetry
(rinse) [ $ ] mkdir GitHub; cd Github
(rinse) [ ~/Github $ ] git clone -b dev-master https://github.com/datasnakes/rinse.git
(rinse) [ ~/Github $ ] cd rinse
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] poetry install

Initialize Rinse
Before you do anything, rinstall must be initialized or you will get an error:
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse init

Simple Usage
You can install the latest version of R into your home directory with a single short command:
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse install
# or
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse install latest
# or
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse install 3.5.3

Note: Be aware that R can take around 20 minutes to install.
Alternate Usage
First note:
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse configure --help # configure script help (./configure --help)
# is different from
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse configure --chelp # rinse cli help

Here's how you can work through various installation steps:
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse configure 3.5.3
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse make --check 3.5.3
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse make --install 3.5.3
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse make --install-tests 3.5.3
(rinse) [ ~/Github/rinse $ ] rinse test --check --check-devel --check-all 3.5.3


Kristen Bystrom
Rob Gilmore
Bruno Grande
Shaurita Hutchins


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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