rkd-cooperative 1.0.3

Creator: railscoderz

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rkdcooperative 1.0.3

Sharing snippets, plugins, packages never was so easy. rkd-coop is a GIT-based tool similar to package manager that have repositories on GIT/Github!
Uses popular and easy JINJA2 templating to render configuration files based on answers asked to the user during snippet installation.
Perfect tool to:

Share ready-to-use, customizable configuration files
Share docker-compose.yml definitions where you can parametrize database credentials, container names
Install plugins to any application (example flow: ask which version, download, unpack)

pip install rkd-snippet-cooperative

export COOP_REPOSITORIES=https://github.com/riotkit-org/riotkit-harbor-snippet-cooperative
rkd-coop :cooperative:sync # similar to apt update, huh?
rkd-coop :cooperative:install harbor/redis

# with pipenv
pipenv install rkd-cooperative

# using regular PIP
pip install rkd-cooperative

How it works?
The mechanism is using GIT repository as a central repository of content, there is a command to synchronize all repositories rkd-coop :cooperative:sync.
With rkd-coop :cooperative:install NAME a snippet can be installed from local repository.

Repository and snippets structure
Example structure

# main directory with snippets, can contain directories with snippets directly or additionally the categories

# snippet main directory, maintained by a maintainers listed in a separate file
snippets/web-servers/nginx/snippet.json # this file is mandatory for RKD-COOP to find the snippet at all

# RKD's makefile defines how to install the snippet (eg. interactive installation wizards)

# files to copy to "./" (current workspace), all *.j2 files are rendered and .j2 extensions are cut off
# can include subdirectories of any depth
Example snippet.json file
"description": "Simplest Redis Server configuration with persistent volume",
"maintainers": ["Andrew Johnson <https://github.com/blackandred>"],
"version": "1.0"

Makefile - creating interactive wizards
In RKD’s Makefile you can define tasks. The RKD-COOP is expecting that you could define task :snippet:wizard,
in which you can use a Wizard to ask user questions. Of course RKD’s tasks are executed in a programming language, so you can
actually do everything you want there using Bash and Python.
Below is an example .rkd/makefile.yaml file with customized “wizard” that asks user for a domain name, and for the basic auth password.
Please notice the to_env=True - it means, that user input would be written to .env file as AUTH_PASSWORD variable.
Every attribute is exposed into *.j2 templates when those are rendered, giving a possibility to render customized files basing on user input.
version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v1
help: "Path to the snippet"
steps: |
from rkd.inputoutput import Wizard

.ask('Domain name', attribute='domain_name', regexp='([A-Za-z0-9_]+)', default='localhost')\
.ask('Basic auth password', attribute='AUTH_PASSWORD', to_env=True)\

Makefile - advanced usage: Overriding files copying procedure
Beside the :snippet:wizard task RKD-COOP allows to customize the process of installing the snippet. The default behavior
is to copy all files from “files” directory recursively, and render *.j2 templates on-the-fly. That’s a pretty universal behavior.
:snippet:install can be implemented to override default behavior with eg. file downloading and unpacking, git cloning or other desired behavior.
version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v1
# Here could be defined also other tasks, including :snippet:wizard
# You can call other tasks in Bash with: %RKD% :my-task-name
# In Python: this.rkd([':my-task-name', '--some-argument=some-value'])

help: "Path to the snippet"
steps: |
wget https://github.com/riotkit-org/tunman/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
# ...

Join it into your project or custom RKD distribution
RKD-COOP is a set of RKD tasks you can import into any project. Additionally you can define COOP_REPOSITORIES environment variable by default
so your project would use fixed repositories by default when calling sync task.
Simply set COOP_REPOSITORIES in makefile.yaml, makefile.py or in .env file.
For makefile.py (RKD Makefile.py syntax)
from rkd_cooperative import imports as CoopImports

IMPORTS += CoopImports()
For makefile.yaml (RKD Makefile YAML syntax)
- rkd_cooperative

Simplicity over complexity
Snippet cooperative is not an application store, or a package manager.
It is intended to be a simple snippet store, but we do not exclude implementation of “store-like” mechanism in the future if there will be a lot of requests for such feature.

From authors
We are grassroot activists for social change, so we created this software while we were helping those fantastic initiatives:

RiotKit (https://riotkit.org)
International Workers Association (https://iwa-ait.org)
Anarchistyczne FAQ (http://anarchizm.info) a translation of Anarchist FAQ (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/the-anarchist-faq-editorial-collective-an-anarchist-faq)
Federacja Anarchistyczna (http://federacja-anarchistyczna.pl)
Związek Syndykalistów Polski (https://zsp.net.pl) (Polish section of IWA-AIT)
Komitet Obrony Praw Lokatorów (https://lokatorzy.info.pl)
Solidarity Federation (https://solfed.org.uk)
Priama Akcia (https://priamaakcia.sk)

Special thanks to Working Class History for very powerful samples that we could use in our unit tests.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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