rkt-ciutils 3.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

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rktciutils 3.0.4


Iterate over recent X github releases and execute a task.
# build all versions of File Repository that matches tags v{NUMBER} eg. v3.0.0
# for each version execute: rkd :build --version=%MATCH_0% (it can be any command)

rkd :github:for-each-release \
--repository=riotkit-org/file-repository \
--exec 'rkd :build --version=%MATCH_0%' \
--dest-docker-repo quay.io/riotkit/file-repository \
--allowed-tags-regexp 'v([0-9.]+)'
Class name to import: rkt_ciutils.github.ForEachGithubReleaseTask [see how to import]

Finds a release number closest to specified.
rkd :github:find-closest-release --repository riotkit-org/file-repository -c 1.3
Class name to import: rkt_ciutils.github.FindClosestReleaseTask [see how to import]

Checks if a docker image has a tag. Requires docker client, daemon and
permissions to the daemon.
# will result in a success
sudo rkd :docker:tag-exists -i alpine:latest

# will result in a failure
sudo rkd :docker:tag-exists -i alpine:not-existing
Class name to import: rkt_ciutils.docker.DockerTagExistsTask [see how to import]


Extract list of environment variables, their descriptions and example
values from a Dockerfile.
rkd :docker:extract-envs-from-dockerfile -f ~/Projekty/riotkit/riotkit/docker-taiga/Dockerfile --format bash_source
Class name to import: rkt_ciutils.docker.ExtractEnvsFromDockerfileTask [see how to import]

Generates a README.md file from README.md.j2 template, considering
environment variables from a Dockerfile.
rkd :docker:generate-readme --template docker-taiga/README.md.j2 --dockerfile docker-taiga/Dockerfile
#### Configuration reference

List of all environment variables that could be used.

{% for env_var, attrs in DOCKERFILE_ENVS.items() %}{% if attrs[2] %}# {{ attrs[2] }}{% endif %}
- {{ attrs[0] }} # (default: {{ attrs[1] }})

{% endfor %}
Class name to import: rkt_ciutils.docker.GenerateReadmeTask [see how to import]

Provides Continuous Integration tasks designed to build docker images. Boat-CI is focusing on packaging existing applications, that are released on Github in separate repositories.
The CI is customizable with environment variables and commandline switches.
Example scenario:
GIVEN we have project taigaio/taiga-back that is a backend application
AND there is a separate frontend application at taigaio/taiga-front-dist
AND we have THIS Boat-CI repository named riotkit-org/taiga-docker
WHEN we want to build docker image for each new release of Taiga (backend + frontend is a complete setup)
THEN on each pushed tag in riotkit-org/taiga-docker we run Boat-CI to produce images eg. taiga:5.0.1-D1.0, taiga:4.9-D1.0

The CI+Dockerfile is placed in a separate repository (application is in a separate repository, probably it can be configured differently)
SNAPSHOT on master/commit is a tag in the docker registry that overwrites all the time eg. taiga:4.1.5-SNAPSHOT, taiga:4.1.6-SNAPSHOT (SNAPSHOT means that CI+docker version is LATEST for given application version)
[customization] SNAPSHOT can consider ci+docker next version eg. taiga:4.1.5-D1.0.1-SNAPSHOT by using –dev-version-template=”%MATCH_0%-D%NEXT_VERSION%-SNAPSHOT”
SNAPSHOT tags are not propagated by default, so no 1.0.1 -> 1.0 -> 1 -> latest re-tagging of docker image

Naming convention:

TAG is the CI+Dockerfile repository git tag, not application repository tag
Application version is the tag in application repository

version: org.riotkit.rkd/yaml/v1
- rkd_python
- rkt_utils.docker
- rkt_ciutils.boatci

description: Build all versions of Taiga
required: True
steps: |
export GITHUB_REPOSITORY=taigaio/taiga-back
export ALLOWED_TAGS_REGEXP="([0-9\.]+)$"
export DEST_DOCKER_REPO=quay.io/riotkit/taiga

# Given we build backend from taigaio/taiga-back
# and the frontend is in separate repository - we try to find closest version of frontend
# to match our backend eg. 5.0.1 backend + 5.0.0 frontend (frontend didn't get the patch version released yet)
export DOCKER_BUILD_OPTS="--build-arg FRONTEND_VERSION=%FIND_CLOSEST_RELEASE(taigaio/taiga-front-dist)%"

echo " > Starting CI"
rkd --no-ui :boat-ci:process \

Takes incoming request from the CI.

Decide about the destination version number and format
Decide if we REBUILD existing tags or not (release enforces this)


When “@force-rebuild” in commit message, then rebuild existing images (in case of “moving tags” - bad practice, but can happen, we handle such emergency case)
When “@force-rebuild-last-tag” is in commit message, rebuild previous tag’s images, warning: dangerous, use with caution
When is on TAG in current docker repository - build last X versions of application, set double version (app + docker)
When is on branch/commit in current docker repository - build a snapshot of last X versions of application #TODO VERIFY


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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