rms-pds4indextools 1.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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rmspds4indextools 1.1.0

pds4indextools is a set of programs and modules for parsing PDS4 XML labels.
They were created and are maintained by the Ring-Moon Systems Node
of NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS).
The following tools are currently available:

A command-line program to scrape all metadata information from a series of PDS4 XML
labels, usually in a single collection, and generate a summary index file. Such summary
index files may be optionally provided as part of a PDS4 delivery by a data provider,
or may be created by end users to aid in their searching and processing of PDS4
data products.
A command-line program to create a collection product from a collection of PDS4 XML
labels. Collection products are a required part of PDS4 collections and are created by
data providers.

pds4indextools is available via the rms-pds4indextools package on PyPI and
can be installed with:
pip install rms-pds4indextools

Note that this will install pds4indextools into your current system Python, or into your
currently activated virtual environment (venv), if any.
If you already have the rms-pds4indextools package installed but wish to upgrade to a
more recent version, you can use:
pip install --upgrade rms-pds4indextools

You may also install the index tools using pipx, which will isolate the installation
from your system Python without requiring the creation of a virtual environment. To
install pipx, please see the installation
instructions. Once pipx is available, you
may install pds4indextools with:
pipx install rms-pds4indextools

If you already have the rms-pds4indextools package installed with pipx, you may
upgrade to a more recent version with:
pipx upgrade rms-pds4indextools

Getting Started With pds4_create_xml_index
Once pds4indextools has been installed, you may access the
program directly from the command line.
The simplest use scrapes all metadata from all XML labels in a collection and generates an
index file:
pds4_create_xml_index <collection_dir> "**/*.xml"

Many options are available to customize the scraping and generation process, including
limiting which XML elements are scraped, changing the format of the resulting index file,
and generating a PDS4-compliant label. A summary of available options is available
by typing:
pds4_create_xml_index --help

Complete documentation is available here
Getting Started With pds4_create_collection_product
Once pds4indextools has been installed, you may access the
program directly from the command line.
The simplest use scrapes all XML labels from a collection and generates a collection product:
pds4_create_collection_product <collection_dir> --bundle bundle_name --collection collection_name

This will generate a collection product called collection_<collection_name>.csv in the
given collection directory. Full instructions on usage can be found here:
pds4_create_collection_product --help

Complete documentation is available here
Information on contributing to this package can be found in the
Contributing Guide.

Issue tracker

This code is licensed under the Apache License v2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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