robotframework-dockerlibrary 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

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robotframeworkdockerlibrary 1.0.0

Library version:   1.0
Library scope:      Docker

A library providing keywords for handling docker.
DockerLibrary is Robot Framework's library that provides a set of keywords for handling docker. This library support all Docker CLI(docker) commands and options to work with docker. Furthermore, It provides handling multiple containers and also phenomenon called "docker in docker". The last extra feature is class DotDictionary which makes it easier to work with the output of basic Docker CLI commands.
Table of contents

Docker CLI(docker)
Multiple Docker containers
Docker in Docker
DotDictionary and parse commands

Docker CLI(docker)
The basic docker (base command) takes this form:
docker | <base command> | [OPTIONS]

docker run --name test -dt ubuntu

Multiple Docker containers
Keywords for handling multiple conatiners at once.
Create multiple containers
Keywords for creating multiple containers with one command.
Returns: List[str], where strings are containers ids which were created
create multiple containers | <number of containers> | <name of image>

create multiple containers 3 ubuntu

Docker command for all containers
Keywords for executing basic Docker CLI commands for multiple containers at once.

if parameter <parse to dotd> is true: Dict[str, DotDictionary], where keys are containers ids and values are outputs from command execution converted to DotDictionary
if parameter <parse to dotd> is false: Dict[str, str], where keys are containers ids and values are strings outputs from command execution

docker command for all | <containers ids> | <parse to dotd> | <base command> | [OPTIONS]

${containers_id} = docker ps -a -q
docker command for all ${containers_id.stdout} False rm -f

Docker in Docker
Keyword for handling docker in docker.
docker in docker
Runs host docker in docker using default Unix socket /var/run/docker.sock and then it creates multiple containers of given image
There are three options for docker in docker host:


Returns: Dict[str, List[str]], where key is host container id and value is list of containers ids which where created
docker in docker | alpine/ubuntu/centos | <custom image> | <number of containers to create>

docker in docker alpine ubuntu 5

Parse commands
Keywords that helps to parse outputs from docker.
Parse docker response
If parameter <parse to dotd> is set True, It will try to parse the output given to DotDictionary and if it fails it returns string.
If parameter <parse to dotd> is set False. It will remove all whitespace characters from string given and return that string.
Returns: DotDictionary or List[DotDictionary] or string
DotDictionary is a class for easier working with output of docker commands.
Example of using DotDictionary:
${containers_id} = docker ps -a -q
${dictionary} = docker command for all ${containers_id.stdout} True inspect
${values} = Get Dictionary Values ${dictionary}
Log ${values[0].Config.Entrypoint}

Returns: DotDictionary or List[DotDictionary] or string
parse docker response | <response> | <parse to dotd>

${parsed_to_dotd_output} = parse docker response ${result.stdout} True

get containers ids
Keyword to get containers ids.
Returns: List[str], where strings are container ids
get containers ids

${containers_ids} = get containers ids


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