robotframework-eyeslibraryextended 4.1

Creator: railscoder56

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robotframeworkeyeslibraryextended 4.1

EyesLibraryExtended for Robot Framework
Table of Contents

Directory Layout
Running the Demo
Things to Note When Using Applitools
Getting Help

EyesLibraryExtended is a Robot Framework Library to automate visual software testing verification. EyesLibraryExtended uses a Python SDK called Eyes-Selenium from the tool Applitools Eyes, and can be used with the SeleniumLibrary and/or the AppiumLibrary .
This library is a fork of EyesLibrary ( which again is a fork of Robot-AppEyes.
In order to use EyesLibraryExtended, you are required to sign up for a free account with Applitools. See the Usage section.

Information about EyesLibraryExtended keywords can be found on the Keyword Documentation page.

The Applitools Documentation may be consulted in order to understand how Eyes works.

More information about the SeleniumLibrary can be found on the SeleniumLibrary Repo and in the Keyword Documentation.

More information about the AppiumLibrary can be found on the AppiumLibrary Repo and in the Keyword Documentation.

The following versions were used to test the library:

Python 2.7.14 or 3.7.0
Robot Framework 3.1.1
Eyes-Selenium 4.17.1
SeleniumLibrary 3.3.1 (For Web Tests)
AppiumLibrary (For Mobile Tests)

The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install robotframework-eyeslibraryextended

To update both the library and all
its dependencies to the latest version:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-eyeslibraryextended

To install a specific version:
pip install robotframework-eyeslibraryextended==(DesiredVersion)

To uninstall EyesLibraryExtended use the following pip command:
pip uninstall robotframework-eyeslibraryextended

Directory Layout
  The Robot Framework Python Library that makes use of the Applitools Eyes Python SDK
  Test files to display what the keywords from EyesLibraryExtended accomplish
  Documentation for the EyesLibraryExtended: Keyword Documentation and ChangeLog
You must create a free account with Applitools in order to run
EyesLibraryExtended and return results.
Then, to use the library, follow EyesLibraryExtended Keyword Documentation.
This is a Robot Framework library. If you're not familiarized with Robot Framework,
please consult Robot Framework User Guide.
Running the Demo
At tests/acceptance directory, you can find Robot Framework tests for:

Android Browser
Android Native App
Android Hybrid App
iOS Browser
iOS Native App
iOS Hybrid App

Before running the tests, your Applitools API Key must be set in tests/acceptance/resources/common.robot, by replacing "YourApplitoolsApiKey" with your own key.
When running the mobile tests, you must replace the variables within tests/acceptance/resources/mobile.robot with your own, as well as the ones in tests/acceptance/resources/android.robot or tests/acceptance/resources/ios.robot, according to the OS in use.
For instance, you may want to use a different Remote URL than the one provided in the variables. So, if you are working with TestingBot, for example, you'd have to replace the Remote URL variable in tests/acceptance/resources/mobile.robot:

Before running the Android Hybrid App tests, you need to install the Demo App (APK found at tests/resources) in your device.
For in depth detail on how the keywords function, read the Keyword documentation found here: Keyword Documentation
Remember to include your Applitools API key otherwise the
test will not run. To run a test, open a command prompt within the tests/acceptance folder and run:
robot FILENAME.robot

For example, to run the Test Suite for Web:
robot web.robot

Note: It is assumed that anyone who wants to use this demo is already able to execute robot tests using SeleniumLibrary (for web tests) and/or AppiumLibrary (for mobile tests). The browser used to navigate with SeleniumLibrary is Google Chrome.
Things to Note When Using Applitools

The tests will be accepted automatically by Applitools Eyes after the first run because a new baseline is being created. A second test run will show a comparison between screens.
Changing the Applitools baseline parameters will create a new baseline, that is automatically accepted on the first run. (For more information, read the article: What is a ‘baseline’ and how is a baseline created?
The viewport size should not be set to greater values than the maximum size of the device's window.
(For more information on using viewports, consult Using viewports in Eyes)

Getting Help
To be defined. It might be helpful to read Applitools Documentation.
EyesLibraryExtended was forked from EyesLibrary ( on version 2.1 ,which again is a fork of Robot-AppEyes on version 1.2.
EyesLibrary authors:

Joel Oliveira(
Sofia Nunes
Jonathan Ward

Robot-AppEyes authors:

Thomas Armstrong
Simon McMorran
Gareth Nixon
Adam Simmons

EyesLibraryExtended then emerged as an independent library from the original one, on version 4.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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