robotframework-sshlibrary 3.8.0

Creator: railscoder56

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robotframeworksshlibrary 3.8.0





SSHLibrary is a Robot Framework test
library for SSH and SFTP. The project is hosted on GitHub
and downloads can be found from PyPI.
SSHLibrary is operating system independent and supports Python 2.7 as well
as Python 3.4 or newer. In addition to the normal Python interpreter,
it also works with Jython 2.7.
The library has the following main usages:

Executing commands on the remote machine, either with blocking or
non-blocking behavior.
Writing and reading in an interactive shell.
Transferring files and directories over SFTP.
Ensuring that files and directories exist on the remote machine.

See keyword documentation for available keywords and more information
about the library in general.
For general information about using test libraries with Robot Framework, see
Robot Framework User Guide.

The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-sshlibrary
Running this command installs also the latest Robot Framework, paramiko
and scp versions. The minimum supported paramiko version is 1.15.3 and
minimum supported scp version is 0.13.0.
The --upgrade option can be omitted when installing the library for the
first time.
With recent versions of pip it is possible to install directly from the
GitHub repository. To install latest source from the master branch, use
this command:
pip install git+
Alternatively you can download the source distribution from PyPI, extract
it, and install it using one of the following depending are you using
Python or Jython:
python install
jython install
A benefit of using pip is that it automatically installs scp, paramiko
and Cryptography modules (or PyCrypto if paramiko version < 2.0)
that SSHLibrary requires on Python.
On Jython, SSHLibrary requires Trilead SSH JAR distribution. You need to download
Trilead SSH JAR distribution and add it to CLASSPATH.
On Windows operating system, when using Python version < 3.0, SSHLibrary will
require win_inet_pton. The minimum supported win_inet_pton version is 1.1.0.
For creating SSH tunnels robotbackgroundlogger > 1.2 is also a requirement.

When installing SSHLibrary in a container (eg. Alpine Linux) there are more dependencies
that must be installed: gcc, make, openssl-dev, musl-dev and libffi-dev. These
packages can be installed using:
apk add gcc make openssl-dev musl-dev libffi-dev

To use SSHLibrary in Robot Framework tests, the library needs to first be
imported using the Library setting as any other library.
When using Robot Framework, it is generally recommended to write as
easy-to-understand tests as possible. The keywords provided by
SSHLibrary are pretty low level and it is typically a good idea to
write tests using Robot Framework’s higher level keywords that utilize
SSHLibrary keywords internally. This is illustrated by the following example
where SSHLibrary keywords like Open Connection and Login are grouped
together in a higher level keyword like Open Connection And Log In.
*** Settings ***
Documentation This example demonstrates executing a command on a remote machine
... and getting its output.
... Notice how connections are handled as part of the suite setup and
... teardown. This saves some time when executing several test cases.

Library SSHLibrary
Suite Setup Open Connection And Log In
Suite Teardown Close All Connections

*** Variables ***
${HOST} localhost
${USERNAME} test
${PASSWORD} test

*** Test Cases ***
Execute Command And Verify Output
[Documentation] Execute Command can be used to run commands on the remote machine.
... The keyword returns the standard output by default.
${output}= Execute Command echo Hello SSHLibrary!
Should Be Equal ${output} Hello SSHLibrary!

*** Keywords ***
Open Connection And Log In
Open Connection ${HOST}

If the provided documentation is not enough, there are various support forums

robotframework-users mailing list
#sshlibrary and #sshlibrary-dev channels in
Robot Framework Slack community
SSHLibrary issue tracker for bug reports and concrete enhancement
Other support forums including paid support


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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