robotframework-testrail-correct-link 1.1

Creator: railscoder56

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robotframeworktestrailcorrectlink 1.1

RobotFramework Testrail Correct Link
Short Description
Robot Framework library, listener and pre-run modifier for working with TestRail.
pip install robotframework-testrail-correct-link

See documentation on GitHub.
How to enable TestRail API
TestRail API Client
Library for working with TestRail.
*** Settings ***
Library TestRailAPIClient host user password run_id

*** Test Cases ***
${project}= Get Project project_id
${section}= Add Section project_id=${project['id'] name=New Section
${case}= Add Case ${section['id']} Title Steps Description Refs type_id priority_id
Update Case ${case['id']} request_fields

TestRail Listener
Fixing of testing results and updating test cases.

Create custom field "case_description" with type "text", which corresponds to the Robot Framework's test case documentation.

Create Robot test:
*** Test Cases ***
Autotest name
[Documentation] Autotest documentation
[Tags] testrailid=10 defects=BUG-1, BUG-2 references=REF-3, REF-4
Fail Test fail message

Run Robot Framework with listener:
pybot --listener robot_suite.robot

Test with case_id=10 will be marked as failed in TestRail with message "Test fail message" and defects "BUG-1, BUG-2".
Also title, description and references of this test will be updated in TestRail. Parameter "update" is optional.

TestRail Pre-run Modifier
Pre-run modifier for starting test cases from a certain test run.

Create Robot test:
*** Test Cases ***
Autotest name 1
[Documentation] Autotest 1 documentation
[Tags] testrailid=10
Fail Test fail message
Autotest name 2
[Documentation] Autotest 2 documentation
[Tags] testrailid=11
Fail Test fail message

Run Robot Framework with pre-run modifier:
pybot --prerunmodifier TestRailPreRunModifier:testrail_server_name:tester_user_name:tester_user_password:run_id:http:results_depth robot_suite.robot

Only test cases that are included in the test run run_id will be executed.

To execute tests from TestRail test run only with a certain status, for example "failed" and "blocked":
pybot --prerunmodifier TestRailPreRunModifier:testrail_server_name:tester_user_name:tester_user_password:run_ind:http:results_depth:failed:blocked robot_suite.robot

Apache License 2.0


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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