rod.recipe.rabbitmq 2.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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rod.recipe.rabbitmq 2.0.0

Buildout recipe for downloading and installing RabbitMQ.

Copyright and License
Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Tobias Rodaebel
This software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License,
Version 3.

Thanks to Martijn Pieters for refactoring script generation to ensure that we
always use an appropriate rabbitmq-server script for the installed version.

A brief documentation
This recipe takes a number of options:

The path where to find the erlc command (default = find it in PATH).

The URL to download the RabbitMQ source distribution.

Optional string passed as cookie to the erl runtime (-setcookie).

Alternate make command (e.g. gmake).

To further customize your RabbitMQ server configuration, create a rabbitmq-env
file in the etc/ directory of your buildout, following the RabbitMQ
configuration guide to set environment variables.
You can also create a rabbitmq.config file in the same location to provide
erlang configuration statements.

We will define a buildout template used by the recipe:

>>> buildout_cfg = """
... [buildout]
... parts = rabbitmq
... offline = true
... [rabbitmq]
... recipe = rod.recipe.rabbitmq
... url =
... """

We’ll start by creating a buildout:

>>> import os.path
>>> write('buildout.cfg', buildout_cfg)

Running the buildout gives us:

>>> output = system(buildout)
>>> if output.endswith("ebin ebin/ < ebin/\n"): True
... else: print output


2.0.0 2011-05-18

Uses the buildout download cache if available.
Refactored script generation: reuses the existing scripts and customize
them using the built-in rabbitmq-env sourcing option. This ensures we
always use an appropriate rabbitmq-server script for the installed version.
Abandoned obsolete prefix buildout option.
Updated documentation.

1.1.7 2011-04-11

Added ‘make’ buildout option to specify an alternate make command
(e.g. gmake).

1.1.6 2010-06-21

Using rabbit@localhost as NODENAME in order to provide portability of
the database across machines independent of the hostname since you can
not start RabbitMQ on a different machine with a different hostname
(the database is tied to the hostname).

1.1.5 2010-06-21

Added support for setting an optional erlang cookie (-setcookie)
through the ‘cookie’ option.

1.1.4 2010-05-09

Fixed issue where rabbitmq scripts used an incorrect default Erlang path
when no erlang-path option was specified.

1.1.3 2010-05-03

Fixed parameter in generated rabbitmqctl script (-sname instead of -name).

1.1.2 2010-05-02

Fixed parameter in generated rabbitmq-server script (-sname instead
of -name).

1.1.1 2010-03-21

Fixes an issue where the Erlang path wasn’t set correctly.

1.1.0 2010-03-20

Updated for RabbitMQ 1.7.2.

1.0.0 2009-08-23

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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