roe 1.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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roe 1.0.3


This utility helps you deploy your code as an API locally on your machine
using Docker. It is a python based package that can be installed via

Install roe: pip install roe

Deploy your package : roe deploy -l path/to/package/folder
eg: roe deploy -l /Users/
Note: you will be prompted to enter your docker hub username and password

You can find a sample project here.

- Deploy Package Arguments and Options
roe deploy -l path/to/package/folder

-l is for local deployment (only local is available for now).
-n is for specifying a package name. If left out, the folder name is chosen as package name.
-p is a port you specify for it to be spun up on(The valid range is 1024-65535). If left out, a port will be
-q is to deploy with no extra prompts to affirm redeployments and no webpage opening when finishing the deployment.

- Re-deploying a package.
roe deploy -l path/to/package/folder
If you used a custom name for your package, you will have to specify it with the package name (-n) flag just like you did initially.
e.g. roe deploy -l /Users/
roe deploy -l -n myCustomName /Users/

Note: It will re-use the port from the first deployment.

Other commands:


Verify package configuration
roe verify -l path/to/package/folder

List packages deployed
roe list -l

Stop a package ¹
roe stop -l -p myProject

Stop all packages
roe stop -l --all

Start a package
roe start -l myProject

Start all packages
roe start -l --all

Undeploy a package
roe undeploy -l -p myProject

Undeploy all packages
roe undeploy -l --all

Begin ROE session ² ³
roe begin -l

End ROE session
roe end -l

¹ If a model API associated with this package is running, you will be asked to enter 'Y' to stop it and proceed with
deleting the package.
² A ROE Session begins automatically upon running roe deploy or roe list.
³ You can also point to a yaml file like this:
roe begin -l -f /Users/myUser/Documents/docker-creds.yaml. Download a sample credential
file here.
You can use the --help command in front of any command from within the CLI for help with options and arguments.
Eg: roe deploy --help


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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