roksopsql 0.2.4

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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roksopsql 0.2.4

A NOT so simple database migrations utility for Postgresql based database migration in python.
Rokso for Postgresql supports multi-schema migrations of a single database.

Create your migrations simply with CLI.
Suitable for large projects because we maintain migration files under a dedicated directory of a database object
Reverse engineer your migrations from existing database.
Check database state like git status.

This is work in progress and the package is still not properly published.
pip install roksopsql

pip3 install roksopsql

To see what rokso can do:
➜ roksopsql --help
Usage: roksopsql [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--help Show this message and exit.

create βž• create a database migration.
init πŸš€ init your migration project. configures db connection

last-success ‡️ last successful migration version number
migrate ‴️ Apply all outstanding migrations to database.
remap πŸ”„ Reverse engineer your DB migrations from existing database.
rollback ‡️ Rollback last applied migration
status βœ… checks the current state of database and pending migrations

DB setup
Let's say for a database tutorial we have two schemas. online and offline, offline being primary schema. We'll create one table and one database function in offline schema and another table in online schema.
> psql
postgres=# create database tutorial;
postgres=# \c tutorial
tutorial=# create schema offline;
tutorial=# create schema online;

There are many ways to initiate your project.
To start create a directory where you want to create project
➜ mkdir tutorial
➜ cd tutorial
➜ tutorial βœ— roksopsql init
Enter path to setup project: .
Enter database hostname : /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial
Enter database port [Default:5432] [5432]:
Enter database name : tutorial
Enter database username : pguser
Enter database password:
Enter a schema name [Default:public] [public]: offline
working directory:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial
[*] Checking state of config file in CWD
[*] Config file has been created
[#] Generating required dir(s) if not exist
PostgreSQL server information
{'user': 'pguser', 'dbname': 'tutorial', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432', 'tty': '', 'options': '', 'sslmode': 'prefer', 'sslcompression': '0', 'krbsrvname': 'postgres', 'target_session_attrs': 'any'}

You are connected to - PostgreSQL 13.2 on x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0, compiled by Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29), 64-bit

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS offline.rokso_db_version (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
filename text NOT NULL,
version varchar(100) NOT NULL,
status VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT 'pending' NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT filename_UNQ UNIQUE (filename)

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0203 secs

The above command does following things:

Creates a directory migration under the project directory. This directory holds the migration sqls for database.
Creates a file config.json which holds the connection string to Database.
Creates a version control table rokso_db_version in the database with given schema.

Check all contents now
➜ tutorial βœ— ll
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 192B 29 Mar 19:11 config.json
drwxr-xr-x 2 user staff 64B 29 Mar 19:11 migration

Check the table in database
psql>\d+ offline.rokso_db_version;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| id | int | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment |
| filename | varchar(255) | NO | UNI | NULL | |
| version | varchar(100) | NO | | NULL | |
| status | varchar(20) | NO | | pending | |
| scheduledAt | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT_GENERATED |
| executedAt | timestamp | NO | | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | DEFAULT_GENERATED |

Now we are ready for creating our new migrations
Create migrations
Rokso can generate migrations for your tables, materialized views, views, functions and custom data types. They all are organized under their respective directories.
NOTE: For a multi-schema migrations Rokso assumes that database exits with all schemas that you want to manage.
To create a new migration run following command:
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql create
Enter the schema name [public]: offline
Do you want to create a
[M]aterialized View
[D]atabase Type: (T, V, M, F, D) [T]: T
Enter table/procedure/function name that you want to create this migration for.: user_master
Enter a file name for this migration.: create_table_user_master
creating a migration ...........
working directory:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial
migration filepath:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial/migration/offline/200.tables/user_master
[*] migration file has been generated

Now you can see a new file under migration directory has been generated:
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— ll migration
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 user staff 29 Mar 19:14 offline

➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— ll migration/offline
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 user staff 96B 29 Mar 19:14 200.tables
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— ll migration/offline/200.tables
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 3 user staff 96B 29 Mar 19:14 user_master
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— ll migration/offline/200.tables/user_master
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 user staff 171B 29 Mar 19:14

➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— cat migration/offline/200.tables/user_master/
apply_sql = """
WRITE your DDL/DML query here

rollback_sql = "WRITE your ROLLBACK query here."

migrations = {
"apply": apply_sql,
"rollback": rollback_sql

Now you can edit this file and add the DDL/INSERTS/UPDATES in apply_sql and its extremely important to write rollback_sql. However if you do not want a rollback statement then leave the rollback_sql empty and Rokso will not report an error while executing or rolling back migrations.
Apply/Run migrations
After you have written your DDLs/DMLs in migration files, we are ready to carry out the migration, i.e. make a database change.
Let's create more migrations.
# create a migration for a database function.

➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql create
Enter the schema name [public]: offline
Do you want to create a
[M]aterialized View
[D]atabase Type: (T, V, M, F, D) [T]: F
Enter table/procedure/function name that you want to create this migration for.: generate_booking_number
Enter a file name for this migration: create_function_generate_booking_number
creating a migration ...........
working directory:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial
migration filepath:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial/migration/offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number
[*] migration file has been generated

One more migration for another schema online
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql create
Enter the schema name [public]: online
Do you want to create a
[M]aterialized View
[D]atabase Type: (T, V, M, F, D) [T]: T
Enter table/procedure/function name that you want to create this migration for: website_user
Enter a file name for this migration.: create_table_website_user
creating a migration ...........
working directory:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial
migration filepath:: /var/www/projects/python/rokso/tutorial/migration/online/200.tables/website_user
[*] migration file has been generated

After the files are generated, write your DDLs/DMLs into those files.
Now check database status
Rokso shows you last few successful migrations and also pending migrations if any.
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql status
Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.0012secs
Last few successful migrations:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- ---------- --------- -------- ------------- ------------

Pending migrations for application:
filename version status
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------
offline/200.tables/user_master/ NA pending
offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/ NA pending
online/200.tables/website_user/ NA pending

In this case we don't have any prior migrations recorded in DB because we started with fresh database.
Applying single migration
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql migrate --migration offline/200.tables/user_master/

Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.0017secs
πŸŒ€Applying migration file: offline/200.tables/user_master/


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS offline.user_master (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
email varchar(100) NOT NULL,
user_password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0321 secs

INSERT INTO offline.rokso_db_version
(filename, version, status, scheduledAt, executedAt)
VALUES('offline/200.tables/user_master/', 'b23b4a2d', 'complete', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
ON CONFLICT (filename) DO UPDATE SET status = 'complete', version = 'b23b4a2d', executedAt=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0077 secs
βœ… Your database is at revision# b23b4a2d

Checking status again:
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql status
Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.004secs
Last few successful migrations:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------------
1 offline/200.tables/user_master/ b23b4a2d complete 2021-03-29 20:04:01.691033 2021-03-29 20:04:01.691033

Pending migrations for application:
filename version status
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- --------
offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/ NA pending
online/200.tables/website_user/ NA pending

Now we have prior migration with revision number and rest of the pending migrations.
Applying all outstanding migrations
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql migrate

Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.0054secs
πŸŒ€Applying migration file: offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION offline.generate_booking_number()
RETURNS character varying
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
str_str varchar;
output_str varchar;
year_var integer;
day_var integer;
SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY(SELECT chr((65 + round(random() * 25)) :: integer) into str_str
FROM generate_series(1,15)), '');
select substring(str_str, 2, 4) into str_str;
SELECT date_part('year', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) into year_var;
SELECT 700 + date_part('doy', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) into day_var;
select concat(year_var, '-', day_var, '-', str_str) into output_str;
return output_str;

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0823 secs

INSERT INTO offline.rokso_db_version
(filename, version, status, scheduledAt, executedAt)
VALUES('offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/', '22d0747c', 'complete', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
ON CONFLICT (filename) DO UPDATE SET status = 'complete', version = '22d0747c', executedAt=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0023 secs
πŸŒ€Applying migration file: online/200.tables/website_user/


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS online.website_user (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
user_name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
email varchar(100) NOT NULL,
user_password VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
phone_number varchar(20) NOT NULL,
img_url varchar(250) NOT NULL,

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0202 secs

INSERT INTO offline.rokso_db_version
(filename, version, status, scheduledAt, executedAt)
VALUES('online/200.tables/website_user/', '22d0747c', 'complete', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
ON CONFLICT (filename) DO UPDATE SET status = 'complete', version = '22d0747c', executedAt=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;

query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0011 secs
βœ… Your database is at revision# 22d0747c

Check the status again
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql status
Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.0049secs
Last few successful migrations:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------------
1 offline/200.tables/user_master/ b23b4a2d complete 2021-03-29 20:04:01.691033 2021-03-29 20:04:01.691033
2 offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/ 22d0747c complete 2021-03-29 20:09:50.909159 2021-03-29 20:09:50.909159
3 online/200.tables/website_user/ 22d0747c complete 2021-03-29 20:09:50.932331 2021-03-29 20:09:50.932331

No new migration to process.

If all migrations are already carried out and you run migrate command again then rokso will do nothing, very much like git commit. Also note that the revision number will be same to all files which are applied together.
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql migrate
Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.0021secs
Nothing to migrate ....

It may happen while executing a series of migrations an error can occur in-between. e.g. Let's say 5 migrations(files) were in pipeline and then while execution third migration failed, in this case Rokso will still mark first two files as successful and further migration will stop.
Rollback migrations
For rolling back migrations, rokso support two modes: last successful migration and rolling back to a particular version, just like git reset. To ensure rolling back actually works, make sure all the rollback SQLs are properly written in migration files.
Rolling back last migration
This step is simple enough.
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql rollback

Executing>> SELECT * from offline.rokso_db_version ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1;
>> Time taken: 0.0055secs

Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE version = '22d0747c' ORDER BY id desc
>> Time taken: 0.0157secs
Following files will be rolledback:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------------
3 online/200.tables/website_user/ 22d0747c complete 2021-03-29 20:09:50.932331 2021-03-29 20:09:50.932331

Please confirm to proceed(y/yes):y

πŸ”„ Rolling back file:: online/200.tables/website_user/

Executing>> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS online.website_user;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0318 secs

Executing>> DELETE FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE id = 3 ;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0023 secs
βœ… Rollback complete.

Rolling back to a specific version
Get status to identify which version to rollback
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql status

Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version
>> Time taken: 0.001secs
Last few successful migrations:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------------
7 offline/200.tables/user_master/ bc5c6eb7 complete 2021-03-29 20:34:42.248132 2021-03-29 20:34:42.248132
8 offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/ 5fc1fec2 complete 2021-03-29 20:36:32.758463 2021-03-29 20:36:32.758463
9 online/200.tables/website_user/ 5fc1fec2 complete 2021-03-29 20:36:32.765727 2021-03-29 20:36:32.765727

No new migration to process.

Choose a version number from output and supply it as argument.
➜ tutorial git:(master) βœ— roksopsql rollback --version bc5c6eb7

Executing>> SELECT * FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE scheduledAt > (SELECT scheduledAt FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE version = 'bc5c6eb7' ORDER BY id desc LIMIT 1) ORDER BY id DESC;
>> Time taken: 0.0058secs
Following files will be rolledback:
id filename version status scheduledat executedat
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------------
9 online/200.tables/website_user/ 5fc1fec2 complete 2021-03-29 20:36:32.765727 2021-03-29 20:36:32.765727
8 offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/ 5fc1fec2 complete 2021-03-29 20:36:32.758463 2021-03-29 20:36:32.758463

Please confirm to proceed(y/yes):y

πŸ”„ Rolling back file:: online/200.tables/website_user/

Executing>> DROP TABLE IF EXISTS online.website_user;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0167 secs

Executing>> DELETE FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE id = 9 ;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0007 secs

πŸ”„ Rolling back file:: offline/500.functions/generate_booking_number/

Executing>> DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS offline.generate_booking_number;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0088 secs

Executing>> DELETE FROM offline.rokso_db_version WHERE id = 8 ;
query completed successfully..
>> Time taken: 0.0051 secs
βœ… Rollback complete.

Reverse engineer your migrations
This code is not tested on windows machine.
Some times when you run rokso over ssh or in some linux system you may get an error as follows:
$ roksopsql init --help
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/roksopsql", line 11, in <module>
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/rokso/", line 102, in main
return cli()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 760, in main
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/click/", line 130, in _verify_python3_env
" mitigation steps.{}".format(extra)
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult for mitigation steps.

This system lists a couple of UTF-8 supporting locales that you can pick from. The following suitable locales were discovered: aa_DJ.utf8, aa_ER.utf8, aa_ET.utf8, af_ZA.utf8, am_ET.utf8, an_ES.utf8, ar_AE.utf8, ar_BH.utf8,

Click discovered that you exported a UTF-8 locale but the locale system could not pick up from it because it does not exist. The exported locale is 'en_US.UTF-8' but it is not supported

An easy fix could be set proper locale. Check available locales in system:
locale -a

locale -a |grep 'en_.*utf'

For us en_US.utf8 worked. This can not be configured as below:
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
export LANG=en_US.utf8


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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