RomanPy 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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RomanPy 1.0.0

RomanPy is a Python library that provides a simple and efficient way to
convert decimal numbers to Roman numerals. With its user-friendly interface,
you can easily integrate this library into your Python projects and take
advantage of its features to convert numerals in a matter of seconds.
To install RomanPy, you can use pip:
pip install RomanPy

This library has no dependencies and is compatible with Python 3.
To use RomanPy, you need to import the roman function:
from roman import roman

Then, you can convert decimal numbers to Roman numerals:
print(roman(207)) # CCVII

ASCII and unicode variants of the Roman numerals are supported in both lower-
and uppercase, using the conventional API known from str:
numeral = roman(1776)

numeral = numeral.encode("ascii") # default
numeral = numeral.upper() # default

print(numeral) # MDCCLXXVI (default)

numeral = numeral.lower()

print(numeral) # mdcclxxvi

numeral = numeral.encode("unicode")
numeral = numeral.upper()

print(numeral) # ⅯⅮⅭⅭⅬⅩⅩⅥ

numeral = numeral.lower()

print(numeral) # ⅿⅾⅽⅽⅼⅹⅹⅵ

RomanPy also allows you to do simple arithmatic with roman numerals:
print(roman(100) + roman(60)) # CLX
print(roman(45) - roman(7)) # XXXIX
print(roman(533) * roman(2)) # MLXVI
print(roman(2460) / roman(10)) # CCXLVI

One hand of these operations is also allowed to be an integer:
print(100 + roman(60)) # CLX
print(roman(45) - 7) # XXXIX
print(roman(533) * 2) # MLXVI
print(2460 / roman(10)) # CCXLVI

Equality can be determined for other Roman numerals, integers and strings:
print(roman(335) == roman(335)) # True
print(roman(24) == 24) # True
print(roman(1954) == "MCMLIV") # True

If you find any bugs or issues with RomanPy, please feel free to submit an
issue on our GitLab page. We welcome any contributions or suggestions to
improve this library.
RomanPy is released under the GPLv3 license. See LICENSE for


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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