rossum 3.18.0

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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rossum 3.18.0


The elisctl package has been renamed to rossum.
You may want to uninstall elisctl before installing rossum.

đź“ť Consider substituting rossum in your project with the more up-to-date rossum-sdk library.

rossum is a set of tools for Rossum integrators that wrap
the Rossum API
to provide an easy way to configure and customize a Rossum account programmatically. It is
the best buddy when it comes to making requests to Rossum API.
See the rossum setup tutorial
for detailed instructions.
Download an installation file from
GitHub releases.
Install it. And run it either from start menu or from command prompt.
UNIX based systems
Install the package from PyPI:
pip install rossum

Python API Client Library
The rossum library can be used to communicate with Rossum API,
instead of using requests library directly. The advantages of using rossum:

it contains a function that merges the paginated results into one list so the user does not need
to get results page by page and take care of their merging,
it takes care of login and logout for the user,
it includes many methods for frequent actions that you don't need to write by yourself from scratch,
it includes configurable retry logic,
in case the API version changes, the change will be implemented to the
library by Rossum for all the users.

To make any request to Rossum API, use RossumClient() class wrapper. You can use a Rossum
token to log in or use username and password. You need to either pass the credentials
including the URL directly to the client, or set ROSSUM_URL envvar and either a token
or ROSSUM_USERNAME and ROSSUM_PASSWORD envvars in your code. See the sample script
using rossum within a code to export the documents:
import datetime
from rossum.lib.api_client import RossumClient

queue_id = 123456
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"
endpoint = ""

def export_documents():
with RossumClient(context=None, user=username, password=password, url=endpoint) as client:
date_today =
date_end = date_today
date_start = date_today - datetime.timedelta(days=1)
response = client.get(

if not response.ok:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to export: {response.status_code}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

API Client command line tool

:warning: CLI functionality is not actively developed anymore.

The rossum tool can be either used in a command line interface mode
by executing each command through rossum individually by passing it as an argument,
or in an interactive shell mode of executing rossum without parameters
and then typing the commands into the shown prompt.
Individual Rossum operations are triggered by passing specific commands to rossum.
Commands are organized by object type in a tree-like structure and thus are composed
of multiple words (e.g. user create or schema transform).
So either get the list of commands and execute them immediately such as:
rossum --help
rossum configure

or run the interactive shell by simply running

See the sample using rossum command line tool to create the main objects within an organization and
assign a user to a queue:
$ rossum configure
$ rossum workspace create "My New Workspace"
$ rossum queue create "My New Queue Via rossum" -s schema.json -w 12345 --email-prefix my-queue-email --bounce-email
$ rossum user create -q 50117 -g annotator -p my-secret-password-154568
59119, my-secret-password-154568
$ rossum user_assignment add -u 59119 -q 50117

Configure profiles
To run commands described below under a chosen user, it is possible to use profiles defined by
configure function such as
rossum --profile profile_name configure

After defining necessary profiles and their credentials, the profile can be chosen the following way
rossum --profile profile_name queue list

Edit Schema
Some of the most common advanced operations are related to setting up
the sidebar-describing schema according to business requirements. Using rossum
you can edit schema easily as a JSON or XLSX file.
List queues to obtain schema id:
$ rossum queue list
id name workspace inbox schema users
---- --------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------
6 My Queue 1 6 7 27

Download schema as a json:
rossum schema get 7 -O schema.json

Open the schema.json file in you favourite editor and upload modified version back to Rossum.
rossum schema update 7 --rewrite schema.json

You can also edit schema as an Excel (xlsx) file.
rossum schema get 7 --format xlsx -O schema.xlsx
rossum schema update 7 --rewrite schema.xlsx

From now on, documents will follow new schema. (Warning! If you don't use --rewrite option,
the new schema will receive a new id - obtain it by queue list again.)
Schema Transformations
In addition, there is a scripting support for many common schema operations,
that may be easily used for schema management automation. See rossum schema transform
and rossum tools tools for further reference.
Run something like:
$ rossum schema transform substitute-options default_schema.json centre <( \
rossum tools xls_to_csv ~/Downloads/ERA_osnova_strediska.xlsx --header 0 --sheet 1 | rossum tools csv_to_options - ) \
| rossum schema transform substitute-options - gl_code <( \
rossum tools xls_to_csv ~/Downloads/ERA_osnova_strediska.xlsx --header 0 | rossum tools csv_to_options - ) \
| rossum schema transform remove - contract \
> era_schema.json


Use pre-commit to avoid linting issues.

Submit a pull request from forked version of this repo.

Select any of the maintainers as a reviewer.

After an approved review, when releasing, a Collaborator with Admin role shall do the following in master branch:

Update the Changelog in README, describing all the changes included in the newest release

bump2version minor
git push
git push --tags

In the end, to build a Windows installer, run:
pynsist installer.cfg

Go to releases and upload the newest .exe file from the
.build folder of your rossum repository to the newest release

2024-01-25 v3.18.0

Fix: Substitute obsolete click function

2024-01-25 v3.17.1

Fix: Pin openpyxl dependency to a specific version due to this issue

2024-01-25 v3.17.0

Pin openpyxl dependency to allow using Rossum CLI

2024-01-25 v3.16.0

Allow using click>8.0.0

2022-08-04 v3.15.0

feat(.gitignore): ignore vscode
feat(api_client): add email param for user creation
feat(tox) add py39 test env
ref(README) format file by linter
build(pre-commit) update versions

2022-02-18 v3.14.0

Ensure compatibility with click<8.1.0

2021-11-1 v3.13.1 and v3.13.2

Update setup of the release process for pypi

2021-10-29 v3.13.0

Add method for getting annotations
Refactor sideloading functionality to enable sideloading of new objects
Add sideloading option for get_paginated() method

2021-10-29 v3.12.1

Propagate changelogs to the releases

2021-10-24 v3.12.0

Allow sending new attributes to API when creating hooks
Response is being propagated to the RossumException
Added functions to iterate over hook payload easily
Fix for library versioning due to incorrectly published tags

2021-09-06 v3.10.0

Allow creation of inbox without passing bounce email
Allow uploading documents by passing file as bytes to the API client

2021-04-18 v3.9.1

Include tenacity library in the Windows build

2021-04-15 v3.9.0

Allow filtering specific queue IDs when listing all user's queues

2021-04-06 v3.8.0

Allow passing token_owner, test and run_after attributes when creating and changing hook objects

2021-04-01 v3.7.0

Applied configurable retry mechanism to all requests done via rossum library
Enable assigning annotator_limited role to user

2021-03-04 v3.6.0

Allow setting rir_params for queues

2021-01-25 v3.5.0

Allow setting custom timeout for APIClient requests
Use openpyxl engine for xlsx files reading
Apply minor code optimalization fixes

2020-11-16 v3.4.0

Create password command

2020-11-11 v3.3.0

Allow passing parameters when listing hooks
Fix passing metadata when creating a workspace

2020-10-20 v3.2.1

Remove Obsoletes-Dist

2020-10-20 v3.2.0

Enable creating serverless functions
Add method for creating workspaces
Allow setting up sideloading on hooks
Refactor _request_url() to allow custom logging

2020-09-29 v3.1.0

Fix missing library in
Remove references to old package names

2020-09-29 v3.0.0

elisctl was renamed to rossum

2020-07-27 v2.10.1

Fix attribute name for setting max token lifetime

2020-07-24 v2.10.0

Add schema list command
Fix webhook change command issue
Remove csv get command
Add example script for setting up a new organisation
Enable assigning manager role to user
Enable setting max token lifetime
Catch ValueError when parsing schema in XLSX
Fix Python3.8 support

2020-02-18 v2.9.0

allow editing inbox attributes separately on queue-related commands
add support for can_collapse in xlsx schema
add sample usage of elisctl library in a Python code
make queue option required on user create

2019-10-31 v2.8.0

Add webhook command
Allow creating and changing inbox properties on queue change command

2019-09-30 v2.7.1

Improve documentation

2019-08-13 v2.7.0

Add command user_assignment for bulk assignment of users to queues
Change command connector create: queue_id parameter needs to be specified, if there is more than one queue in organization
Support schema attribute width in XLSX schema format
Fixed: booleans, in XLSX schema format, can be specified as boolean types
Internal: filename can be specified in ELISClient.upload_document

2019-07-30 v2.6.0

Enable passing custom filename with upload

2019-07-12 v2.5.0

Add support for schema specified in XLSX when creating queue
Remove the necessity to specify schema file type when uploading
Fix XML and CSV formats of elisctl document extract

2019-07-09 v2.4.0

Add support for can_export in xlsx schema format
Add document command

2019-06-21 v2.3.1

Fix: annotator cannot use elisctl connector list command

2019-06-13 v2.3.0

Add connector command

2019-06-11 v2.2.1

Update packages for windows build.

2019-06-03 v2.2.0

Added support for --profile option to all elisctl commands
Fix: remove extra whitespace in xlsx schema export/import

2019-04-02 v2.1.0

Added support for --output-file to elisctl tools and elisctl schema transform
Fix Schema Transformations description in README

2019-03-14 v2.0.1

Fixed MS Windows application entry point (running elisctl from the start menu)
Fixed parsing of boolean values in xlsx schema export/import

2019-03-14 v2.0.0

Disable interpolation in config parsing, so that special characters are allowed in e.g. password
Experimental support for schema modification using xlsx file format
Allow to show help in schema transform add (backward incompatible change)

2019-03-08 v1.1.1

Fixed bug with UnicodeDecodeError in elisctl schema get ID -O file.json on Windows

2019-03-03 v1.1.0

Added support for python 3.6
Added User-Agent header (elisctl/{version} ({platform})) for every request to ROSSUM API
Improved error when login fails with the provided credentials


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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