rotest 8.3.1

Creator: danarutscher

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rotest 8.3.1

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Rotest is a resource oriented testing framework, for writing system or
integration tests.
Rotest is based on Python’s unittest module and on the Django framework.
It enables defining simple abstracted components in the system, called
resources. The resources may be DUT (devices under test) or they may help
the test process. The tests look very much like tests written using the
builtin module unittest.

Why Use Rotest?

Allowing teams to share resources without interfering with one another.
Easily abstracting automated components in the system.
Lots of useful features: multiprocess, filtering tests, variety of output
handlers (and the ability to create custom ones), and much more.

For a complete step-by-step explanation about the framework, you can read
our documentation at Read The Docs. If you just want
to see how it looks, read further.
For our example, let’s look at an example for a Calculator resource:
import os
import rpyc
from django.db import models
from import resource_data
from import base_resource

class CalculatorData(resource_data.ResourceData):
class Meta:
app_label = "resources"

ip_address = models.IPAddressField()

class Calculator(base_resource.BaseResource):
DATA_CLASS = CalculatorData

PORT = 1357
EXECUTABLE_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"),

def connect(self):
self._rpyc = rpyc.classic.connect(,

def calculate(self, expression):
result = self._rpyc.modules.subprocess.check_output(
["python", self.EXECUTABLE_PATH, expression])
return int(result.strip())

def finalize(self):
if self._rpyc is not None:
self._rpyc = None
The CalculatorData class is a standard Django model that exposes IP
address of the calculator machine through the data attribute.
Also, we’re using rpyc for automating the access to those machines. Except
from that, it’s easy to notice how the connect method is making the
connection to the machine, and how the finalize method is cleaning
Now, an example for a test:
from rotest import main
from rotest.core import TestCase

class SimpleCalculationTest(TestCase):
calculator = Calculator()

def test_simple_calculation(self):
self.assertEqual(self.calculator.calculate("1+2"), 3)

if __name__ == "__main__":
The test may include the setUp and tearDown methods of unittest as
well, and it differs only in the request for resources.
Following, those are the options exposed when running the test:
$ rotest -h
Run tests in a module or directory.

rotest [<path>...] [options]

-h, --help
Show help message and exit.
Print version information and exit.
-c <path>, --config <path>
Test configuration file path.
-s, --save-state
Enable saving state of resources.
-d <delta-iterations>, --delta <delta-iterations>
Enable run of failed tests only - enter the number of times the
failed tests should be run.
-p <processes>, --processes <processes>
Use multiprocess test runner - specify number of worker
processes to be created.
-o <outputs>, --outputs <outputs>
Output handlers separated by comma.
-f <query>, --filter <query>
Run only tests that match the filter expression,
e.g. 'Tag1* and not Tag13'.
-n <name>, --name <name>
Assign a name for current launch.
-l, --list
Print the tests hierarchy and quit.
-F, --failfast
Stop the run on first failure.
-D, --debug
Enter ipdb debug mode upon any test exception.
-S, --skip-init
Skip initialization and validation of resources.
-r <query>, --resources <query>
Specify resources to request by attributes,
e.g. '-r,res2.comment=CI'.


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