rtspbrute 1.0.4

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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rtspbrute 1.0.4


Inspired by Cameradar


Find accessible RTSP streams on any target
Brute-force stream routes
Brute-force credentials
Make screenshots on accessible streams
Generate user-friendly report of the results:

.txt file with each found stream on new line
.html file with screenshot of each found stream

Report files

result.txt: Each target is on a new line. Import to VLC: change extension to .m3u and open in VLC
index.html: Click on the screenshot to copy its link


python (> 3.6)

Install with pip or your favorite PyPi package manager.
pip install rtspbrute

$ rtspbrute -t TARGETS [-p PORTS [PORTS ...]] [-r ROUTES] [-c CREDENTIALS]
[-ct N] [-bt N] [-st N] [-T TIMEOUT] [-d] [-h]

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --targets TARGETS the targets on which to scan for open RTSP streams
-p, --ports PORTS [PORTS ...] the ports on which to search for RTSP streams
-r, --routes ROUTES the path on which to load a custom routes
-c, --credentials CREDENTIALS the path on which to load a custom credentials
-ct, --check-threads N the number of threads to brute-force the routes
-bt, --brute-threads N the number of threads to brute-force the credentials
-st, --screenshot-threads N the number of threads to screenshot the streams
-T, --timeout TIMEOUT the timeout to use for sockets
-d, --debug enable the debug logs

$ rtspbrute -h
$ rtspbrute -t hosts.txt -p 554 5554 8554 -d
$ rtspbrute -t ips.txt -r routes.txt -c combinations.txt
$ rtspbrute -t targets.txt -st 10 -T 10

"argument" (default_value):

"-t, --targets" (No default value): Set the path to the input file. The file can contain IPs, IP ranges and CIDRs. Each one of them should be on a separate line, e.g.:

"-p, --ports" (554): Set custom ports, e.g.: -p 554 5554 8554
"-r, --routes" (routes.txt): Set custom path to the file with routes. Each route should start with / and be on a separate line, e.g.:


"-c, --credentials" (credentials.txt): Set custom path to the file with credentials. Each combination should contain : and be on a separate line, e.g.:


"-ct, --check-threads" (500): Set custom number of threads to brute-force the routes
"-bt, --brute-threads" (200): Set custom number of threads to brute-force the credentials
"-st, --screenshot-threads" (20): Set custom number of threads to screenshot the streams. Smaller number leads to more successful screenshots: when there's too much threads PyAV will throw errors and wouldn't connect to target.
"-T, --timeout" (2): Set custom timeout value for socket connections
"-d, --debug" (False): Enable debug logging to debug.log file


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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