salt-sproxy 2023.8.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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saltsproxy 2023.8.0

Salt plugin for interacting with network devices, without running Minions.

This is NOT a SaltStack product.

Install this package where you would like to manage your devices from. In case
you need a specific Salt version, make sure you install it beforehand,
otherwise this package will bring the latest Salt version available instead.
The package is distributed via PyPI, under the name salt-sproxy.
pip install salt-sproxy

The complete documentation is available at

First off, make sure you have the Salt Pillar Top file correctly defined
and the proxy key is available into the Pillar. For more in-depth
explanation and examples, check this tutorial
from the official SaltStack docs.
Once you have that, you can start using salt-sproxy even without any Proxy
Minions or Salt Master running. To check, can start by executing:
$ salt-sproxy -L a,b,c --preview-target
- a
- b
- c
The syntax is very similar to the widely used CLI command salt, however the
way it works is completely different under the hood:
salt-sproxy <target> <function> [<arguments>]
Usgae Example:
$ salt-sproxy cr1.thn.lon
One of the most important differences between salt and salt-sproxy is
that the former is aware of the devices available, thanks to the fact that the
Minions connect to the Master, therefore salt has the list of targets
already available. salt-sproxy does not have this, as it doesn’t require
the Proxy Minions to be up and connected to the Master. For this reason, you
will need to provide it a list of devices, or a Roster file that provides
the list of available devices.
The following targeting options are available:

-E, --pcre: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
servers, use pcre regular expressions.
-L, --list: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
servers, take a comma or space delimited list of servers.
-G, --grain: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
use a grain value to identify targets, the syntax for the target is the grain
key followed by a globexpression: "os:Arch*".
-P, --grain-pcre: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
use a grain value to identify targets, the syntax for the target is the grain
key followed by a pcre regular expression: “os:Arch.*”.
-N, --nodegroup: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
use one of the predefined nodegroups to identify a list of targets.
-R, --range: Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target
use a range expression to identify targets. Range expressions look like

Some of the targeting options above may not be available for some Roster

To use a specific Roster, configure the proxy_roster option into your
Master config file, e.g.,
proxy_roster: ansible
With the configuration above, salt-sproxy would try to use the ansbile
Roster module
to compile the Roster file (typically /etc/salt/roster) which is structured
as a regular Ansible Inventory file. This inventory should only provide the
list of devices.
The Roster can also be specified on the fly, using the -R or --roster
options, e.g., salt-sproxy cr1.thn.lon --roster=flat. In this
example, we’d be using the flat Roster module
to determine the list of devices matched by a specific target.
When you don’t specify the Roster into the Master config, or from the CLI, you
can use salt-sproxy to target on or more devices using the glob or
list target types, e.g., salt-sproxy cr1.thn.lon (glob) or
salt-sproxy -L cr1.thn.lon,cr2.thn.lon (to target a list of
devices, cr1.thn.lon and cr2.thn.lon, respectively).
Note that in any case (with or without the Roster), you will need to provide
a valid list of Minions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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