sbucket 0.2.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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sbucket 0.2.0

Spatial Bucketing of RIPE Atlas Probes on Map Projections
This tool selects probes based on spatial distribution on an arbitrary map projection. Some tweaking might be required for non-mercartor like projections.
pip install sbucket

usage: sbucket [-h] [--data DATA] [--projection PROJECTION]
[--maxiter MAXITER] [--country COUNTRY [COUNTRY ...]]

Spatial bucketing of RIPE Atlas probes.

positional arguments:
count number of probes to be returned

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA, -d DATA dump of probe metadata, if not given data is retrieved
projection to use for spatial distribution, has to be
supported by pyproj (default: merc)
--maxiter MAXITER, -m MAXITER
maximum number of iterations to be performed (default:
--country COUNTRY [COUNTRY ...], -c COUNTRY [COUNTRY ...]
Allowed countries. If not set: world-wide.
--verbose, -v

$ 100
[11689, 15655, 52, 1114, 168, 628, 86, 21451, 16100, 24, 13237, 11, 4096, 303, 176, 33, 4920, 683, 1190, 2810, 14449, 449, 239, 6107, 12505, 17601, 1002, 4814, 74, 1118, 78, 243, 212, 1046, 3466, 16632, 21126, 3585, 227, 126, 73, 12811, 77, 2917, 483, 446, 2062, 3, 253, 3168, 2250, 11061, 3053, 329, 1147, 3461, 2001, 524, 1042, 3579, 93, 75, 4089, 20255, 3646, 4985, 12848, 11691, 165, 3924, 516, 11744, 4776, 1016, 4000, 2564, 97, 14446, 1069, 40, 603, 13028, 645, 521, 20092, 332, 18357, 18641, 1154, 12372, 1133, 234, 1149, 4153, 2456, 15297, 13805, 2218, 18437, 4919, 470, 10688, 1165, 1003]

Without sbucket selection (world-wide 500 probes):

The distribution is biased, because it prefers areas with a high density of probes. Here you can see the global distribution of probes by country code:

With sbucket selection (world-wide 500 probes):

After application of the spacial bucket algorithm this distribution has a much longer tail (thus includes more countries) and small countries with high probe density are moved down and large countries are moved up the ladder:

It tries to find a grid with the right number of cells by iterating over grid sizes. It stops after a grid was found which yields the number of probes (with a 5% error margin) OR a maximum number of iterations have been performed.
If the number of probes is bellow the targeted count, the cell number is increased (vertically and horizontally) by 50%, otherwise it is reduce by 10%.
Within one cell a random probe is selected. Grid cells are roughly square.
Known Problems

Selection might yield more or less probes then expected, no guarantees here, but it works well for larger numbers (>20).
The grid is set between 85 degrees north and south, this might be a problem with other projections than Mercator.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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