scientific-spinbox 1.0.0.dev5

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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scientificspinbox 1.0.0.dev5

ScientificSpinbox is a Qt Widget based on QDoubleSpinBox that
enables users to insert and manipulate physical quantities naturally.

Getting started
This widget makes it easier for people from STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics) fields to interact with
numeric inputs in a natural way with units and converstion between them,
also allowing the usage of scientific notation and adding resources that highly
improve the user experience.
The backend that deals with units and their conversion can be set up/integrated
separately, but it is currently making use of the package Pint.
This package also makes use of QtPy,
an abstraction layer for PyQt/PySide, making it simple to interchange
between those bindings and their versions.
Its main application is to be integrated with the PyMR framework
to provide a better user interface when setting physical values
for Magnetic Resonance experiments, where it is necessary to use,
for example, frequency, degrees, voltage, and current.
Despite the specific use, we provided this package as an independent
one so more people can benefit from it. The final intention is to
integrate this special QSpinBox into the Qt/PySide/PyQt package,
if they have interest in the future.

Below is an example of a ScientificSpinBox widget used to insert values with units of time.
The allowed units are s, ms and us and the base unit is ms. The widget enables
the user to use scientific notation, edit the values using step up/step down and insert any desired number of decimal places.
Altough the user can play around with the units, the baseValue will always be the input converted to the base unit.

Example of a ScientificSpinBox with base_unit='ms' and allowed_units=['s','ms','us'].

Installing, updating and uninstalling
To install or update, do:
pip install -U scientific-spinbox
To remove, do:
pip uninstall scientific-spinbox
To install it in development mode, from a local clone, do:
git clone scientific-spinbox
cd scientific-spinbox && git checkout develop-v1.x
pip install -e .

To run automated tests for scientific-spinbox, you can use the test
environment on tox:
tox -e test
The test environment runs with PyQt5 by default.
There are environments for testing the widget with PyQt5, PyQt6 and PySide6, as
well as Python 3.10 and Python 3.11.
tox -e py310-test-pyside6
tox -e py310-test-pyqt5
tox -e py310-test-pyqt6
tox -e py311-test-pyside6
tox -e py311-test-pyqt5
tox -e py311-test-pyqt6

This widget is intended to be used within your own Qt application. Please read the documentation
to see examples of usage and details on how to use it and extend its functionalities.

Currently works with PyQt5, PyQt6 and PySide6. There’s no plans of implementing a compatibility
layer with PySide2 for now.

There is no warranty or support at all. Use it at your own risk.
If you find an issue, please report it and the maintainers will try or help to fix.

Any contribution is welcome and appreciated.
Before contributing, please read the “Contributing” section of the documentation.

Authors and acknowledgment
This work was developed by the authors at the Centro de Imagens e Espectroscopia por
Ressonância Magnética (CIERMag), at the São Carlos Institute of Physics,
University of São Paulo, Brazil.

These people were/are maintainers of this project.

2023-current - Breno H. Pelegrin da S.
2023-current - Daniel C. Pizetta
2018-2020 - Eduardo R. Falvo

These people contributed to bug fixes, improvements, and new features.

2023-current - Breno H. Pelegrin da S. - All development since 2023
2018-2020 - Eduardo R. Falvo - Initial development of the project

This project is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPLv3).

Project status
This project is still on Beta.
It is being actively developed and should reach its first stable release soon.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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